Wednesday, December 30, 2009
design Kitchen and Kitchen Set
Therefore, no wonder if the current split in two kitchens, kitchen, wet and dry kitchen, which has a different function. The kitchen is usually combined with a living room or dining room is often referred to as the kitchen pantry or dry. This room is usually equipped with modern kitchen equipment. Meanwhile, wet kitchen used for cooking. Wet kitchen is more widely used to heat the food before serving or used to cook something practical, that if using the spices they had half-finished. Therefore, now the middle of the kitchen design trend in line with the times.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ferrari World Theme Park
Dubbed 'Ferrari World Abu Dhabi', the new holiday destination will be the world's first Ferrari theme park and the largest attraction of its kind.
The theme park will feature an iconic sleek red roof that's said to be directly inspired by the classic double curve side profile of the Ferrari GT body, spanning 2,152,782 square feet and carrying the largest Ferrari logo ever created.
There will be a number of attractions, including rides for children of all ages and the world's fastest rollercoaster, travelling at speeds exceeding 124 mph. Another ride will rocket passengers through the roof and to a height of 203 feet to simulate the G-forces experienced by drivers in an F1 car.
The site is located on Yas Island on the North East side of Abu Dhabi's mainland, which is about a 10-minute drive from Abu Dhabi International Airport and 50 minutes from Yas Marina Circuit, which will host the inaugural Abu Dhabi GP later this year.Futuristic Workspace Looks Like a Dinosaur Egg
Do you like to block the world out completely when you're working at your desk? Copenhagen-based design team GamFratesi has created a prototype for a sleek, dinosaur egg-like work environment that they call Rewrite. It reminds me of those cubicles they had at my grad school library, except they're a lot nicer-looking.
Interior Design Tips
Interior Design Tips: Home Decoration with Picture Frames
Read on to find out how to choose the best picture frame for your home decor.
Whether enclosing a precious work of art or a prized family photograph, a picture frame is a design element not to be overlooked. A carefully chosen frame adds to the aesthetics and overall harmony of a well-decorated room, while a bad frame can ruin the entire effect of the artwork.
Before shopping for frames, visit art galleries and museums in your area to see how different frames are used to enhance photographs and paintings. Browse decorating books and magazines to see framed pictures displayed in homes. Next, consider the type of picture and the style in which the room is decorated to determine what type of frame would best fit.
Above all, the frame must complement the image it holds. When searching for a frame, keep in mind the painting or photo and find a frame that will enhance it. For example, an ornate gold frame looks wonderful with a traditional oil painting, while a natural wood frame suits a painting of a lush forest, and a soft blue frame could be used to accentuate a color from the picture it encloses.
The size and shape of the frame also make an impact on the art. A small picture can have greater presence matted in a larger, elaborate frame. A frame with thick sides can also keep a small painting from going unnoticed, while a large painting is often set off to best effect by a plain, thin frame.
The decorating style and function of the room where the picture will be hung must also be considered when choosing a frame. For a child's bedroom or playroom, frames in primary colors or those featuring cartoon characters often work best. A spare, modern room calls for sleek contemporary frames. Old-fashioned gold colored frames or beautifully carved wood ones complement a traditional home, while simple, natural wood frames look great in rooms decorated in the country style. Also consider the wall where the painting will hang. A white frame against a white wall can get lost, where a green frame will stand out. If the painting will be hung on busy wallpaper, make sure the frame contrasts with the background.
The frame must fit the artwork for which it is meant. If framing an oil painting on stretcher bars, make sure the frame is deep enough to accommodate the bars. If using a metal frame on a large picture, see that it is strong and will not buckle.
If you are hanging a collection of photos or prints together, use similar frames to visually link them. The frames could be all of the same style, or perhaps different shapes and sizes, but all in the same color. These frames should be simple in order to focus attention on the pictures.
You can find photo frames in most home decorating shops, and many arts and crafts supply stores sell frames for paintings and photos. Professional framing shops naturally have a great selection of frames, and the employees, who have handled hundreds of pictures, can offer expert advice for choosing a frame. Alternatively, check out thrift shops for old pictures in great frames. The picture can always be discarded. You can also buy inexpensive wooden frames and spruce them up with paint.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Visit our Design Center
Our mission is to build quality homes & semi custom homes with design, style, and great value while providing our clients with exceptional service while building throughout Appleton, the entire Fox Valley, Oshkosh, and Green Bay area.
Our future rests on the philosophy developed in our past of building quality homes with inovative design, delivered on time, and within budget.
Midwest Design Homes has
earned a reputation for excellence
and is recognized as one of the premier custom and semi custom
home builders in the Fox Valley.
Because we are committed to making the process fun, easy & convenient, we can offer a Turnkey (Turn key) construction program on many of our Semi-Custom Model Homes.
We have designers to walk
you through all of your building selections at no additional costs
to the homeowner. We can help
you make your dreams a reality.
We are committed to quality construction, customer service, customer satisfaction, and a tradition of excellence. And to show our dedication to quality, all our homes
are Energy Star Certified and
Green Built Certified.
Interior Design Tips: How to Decorate Your Interior Without Spending a Cent!
In the current world financial situation, money no longer grows on trees! Did it ever?
Money is a lot harder to come by, people are afraid of losing their jobs, worried about their financial future and less likely to be committing to making major changes to their home interiors, but that doesn't mean we have to sit back and put up with the status quo. We can have fun and change our interiors without having to spend a cent. We just need to get a little creative! Here are some ideas on how you can make your home feel like it has had a makeover without spending a cent.
1. Shift furniture into different rooms, it's amazing how a change of environment can make a piece of furniture look completely different.
2. Rearrange your artwork on the walls, reposition mirrors - these help change the light in your room and depending on where you place them, can make a room feel larger.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Painting a Bathroom
Step 1. You should take off the bathroom with your painters tape. Take the tape around all of the surfaces that you do not wish to be painted. Make sure to tape off the ceiling as well. Press the tape firmly as not to have the paint bleeds.
Step 2. Shake the paint bucket and then stir the paint with the stirrer. Make sure that the paint is completely mixed before you use it. Pour a small amount of paint onto the painters tray. Go ahead and dip the tip of the brush into the paint until completely submerged. Be careful not to get the paint past the brushes bristles.
Step 3. You are now ready to begin to outline the room. This is the most difficult task. Use the smaller paint brush to get close to the ceiling, the toilet, the sink, the shower, and the other areas that you are outlining. Do your best not to touch these surfaces with the brush. If the surface was touched, don't panic. Do your best to remove the paint while it is still wet. After the outlining is finished then you can go over the remaining larger areas with your roller. This will cover more quickly.
Step 4. After the outlining is finished then you can go over the remaining larger areas with your roller. This will cover more quickly. Dip your roller into the paint in the painters tray. Roll the roller until completely covered with paint. Transfer the roller onto the wall from the painters tray.
Step 5. You are now almost finished. Now all that is left is your touch ups. You may want to leave the room and come back with fresh eyes. This way when you walk back into the room you can see if you have missed any areas. Take either your brush or your roller and go over the bare areas. Wait for the paint to dry. Pull off the tape and voila! you have yourself a freshly painted bathroom.
Tips and warning:
- Pay the extra money for brand name paint. It covers better.
- Take the time to take everything off of the walls and ceilings before you get started.
- Wear clothes that can get paint on them.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Plasma LCD TV Stand
Ideas so useful you'll wonder how you lived without them – Modern Asymmetric Plasma LCD TV Stand. These days, we have so many options when it comes to displaying TVs that are lighter and thinner than ever before. It makes sense to exploit their portability with the Plasma LCD TV Stands, structures made of stainless steel that offer adjustability in the height of the TV from 32H to 71H. You'll avoid straining your neck, viewing the TV in comfort wherever you are sitting. Not only this, the stable TV stands have a strong visual presence, including a handy glass shelf under the TV to store other electronic products.
This Modern Asymmetric TV Stand can accommodate plasma LCD TVs up to 42" wide.
rumah mungil cantik type 70
Jika pada artikel desain rumah mungil sebelumnya saya memposting artikel tentang Desain Rumah Mungil Type 27, Desain Rumah Mungil Type 36, Desain Rumah Mungil Type 45, maka pada kesempatan kali ini akan saya lanjutkan dengan Desain Rumah Mungil Type 70.
Seperti 3 artikel sebelumnya, maka desain rumah mungil kali ini saya berikan free alias gratis, dan dapat anda pergunakan jika desain rumah ini sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda. Ada banyak comments yang masuk melalui website yang meminta desain rumah mungil diatas lahan dengan lebar 8 s/d 10 m dan panjang 15 m, dan dari hasil corat-coret maka didapatkan desain rumah dengan luas 70 m2 diatas lahan seluas 140 m2.
Gambar 1 - Denah dan Tampak Depan Bangunan (Klik Pada Gambar Untuk Memperbesar)
Desain rumah mungil type 70 ini terdiri atas 3 kamar tidur, ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, beranda yang juga berfungsi sebagai tempat menerima tamu, dapur, ruang makan, dan taman (depan dan belakang). Jika anda memiliki lahan/kavling dikawasan perumahan, desain rumah ini dapat anda kembangkan lagi dalam bentuk layout baru yang tentu sesuai dan mengakomodasi kebutuhan anda dan keluarga. Gambar desain rumah mungil type 70 yang saya tampilkan hanyalah gambar referensi buat anda.
Gambar 2 - Denah/Layout Bangunan (Klik Pada Gambar Untuk Memperbesar)
Gambar 3 - Tampak Depan Bangunan (Klik Pada Gambar Untuk Memperbesar)
Perkiraan biaya untuk membangun rumah seperti gambar desain diatas adalah sebesar: 1,5 juta/m2 dan estimasi biaya produksi total untuk rumah seluas 70 m2 adalah sebesar: 100 s/d 105 juta rupiah. Tentunya perkiraan/taksiran biayanya harus disesuaikan dengan upah pekerja dan harga material dikota anda, dan biaya diatas tidak termasuk harga tanah (hanya harga/biaya produksi rumahnya saja).
Demikian posting artikel kali ini, semoga desain rumah mungil type 70 seperti pada gambar diatas bermanfaat buat anda. Pada kesempatan seri desain rumah mungil berikutnya saya akan menampilkan gambar desain rumah type 90. Selamat berakhir pekan dan semoga kebahagiaan selalu menyertai anda dan keluarga.sumber artikel
foto Desain Interior Rumah Tebaik
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Good Cheer
Monday, December 7, 2009
Kumpulan Gambar Sketsa Rumah
Saya sering kali mendapat kiriman email atau komentar-komentar di weblog ini yang meminta referensi desain rumah, perlu diketahui bahwa antara 1 desain dengan desain yang lain selalu berbeda. Hal yang menyebabkan setiap desain berbeda adalah: space/lahan yang akan ditempati membangun rumah atau bangunan biasanya tidak sama, dan kebutuhan ruangan dari tiap-tiap keluarga juga berbeda.
Tetapi untuk sekedar referensi, atau jika kebetulan ada dari gambar-gambar (sketsa) yang saya tampilkan berikut ini ada yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda dan areanya (space) juga tersedia silahkan saja anda pergunakan.
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(Klik untuk memperbesar)
Gambar-gambar diatas adalah kumpulan beberapa gambar sketsa yang tidak jadi dipergunakan, dalam artian sang owner meminta revisi sehingga gambar-gambar itu menjadi tidak terpakai, dan saya pikir akan lebih baik ditampilkan di web ini saja, karena mungkin pada beberapa pengunjung.. gambar-gambar ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau mungkin dipergunakan.
'Tis the Season...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Forgiveness, Please...
All of these things are true, however, we still should be more attentive to this blog and we apologize for our absence!
We both had lovely Thanksgivings and we hope ya'll did, too! And, all of a sudden, we are a week into December already. Whew!
We thought it might be nice to kick off the week with this lovely gem of an article from Real Simple. All of the holiday decor items below came from basic craft store staples. Smart, no? Check out the rest of the ideas here.