if you want to enjoy and relax your body after went to office or the other jobs in the other place or in your town. you must go to bath room first to clean your body. so you must decorate your bath room to get more fantasy in there. there are many kind of bath room decoration.. so, why do you think more about it??
Monday, January 25, 2010
Bathroom Design
if you want to enjoy and relax your body after went to office or the other jobs in the other place or in your town. you must go to bath room first to clean your body. so you must decorate your bath room to get more fantasy in there. there are many kind of bath room decoration.. so, why do you think more about it??
Interior Kitchen Set-Interior Kitchen Set
interior decoration pictures
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Luxurious Interior Design
Luxurious Interior
Modern Contemporary Interior Design for Your Sweet Home
How do you find the ideal modern interior designer or best interior design for your sweet home? The goal of this directory is to help you identify the best modern interior designers and interior home design in your area. Use these easy steps to help narrow your search: 1. With any project that requires the sharing of ideas and concepts, communication is key. 2. To start your list of potential modern interior designers and interior home design
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Natural Wood Coffee Tables
The solid teak table rests on top of a classy chrome frame. On the other hand, Bell coffee table is made entirely from Jackfruit wood, and shows off with an elegantly polished finish.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Property Advertising Tips
Here are tips to make a good property advertisements in the press Newspaper:
Fit to Market Segmentation
Newspapers are products. They have a market segmentation different. There is a special newspaper political, criminal or a newspaper specifically targeting the general reader. Same with property products. Sure has a different market segment as well. Well, the first step is to determine the appropriate papers with your property market segmentation. Do not let your property, you advertise in the newspaper genre of media crime!
read more
property marketing
Kalo yes,
The first thing you should do is to study the current state of your environment, that is your own work environment, a property marketing means you are working in the field. There needs to approach with the people around so that when they want to or have information about who wants to sell or buy property may be up to your ear,
Second, relying on office networks, but this one was a bit hard because you will be competing with your colleagues who are not few.
Third, go and discuss it with small developers to hand over to your house sale. Small developers are the ones who build homes for resale, but not in large scale. How to search? You can find them by visiting their projects, and is usually characterized by the same housing development in 2 or 3 of berderetan house. Usually they bought an old house and then torn down and built 2 or 3 units. There could have 2 of their benefits as well, namely selling and buying. Look for the old house is strategically created them, after they get up you got back home they built it.
Fourth, do not forget to pray, asking God's guidance, let God also opened the way to every job and our actions.
Hopefully helpful, Good Luck.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Modern and colorful glass bar tables
Bar tables could become an interesting element of any interior design. Often this furniture isn't very useful but always look stylish and add trendy touch to a room.
Elegant and modern foscarini twiggy floor lamps
Foscarini's lights vary in color, diffusion and quality of light and add a new emotional element to the illumination of rooms. Twiggy family is elegant and sophisticated, light and lively, able to characterize any environment with great flexibility. Its natural shape, slender silhouette and high decorative value make it suitable for identifying and marking any area. Twiggy family is completed by the ceiling, table and pendant lamps. Twiggy is available in four color choices red, black, white or yellow. Made from a compound material with a fiberglass base. Bottom diffuser shields direct view of lamps
Contemporary luxury
Chandelier Lighting will enhance the beauty of any room. Chandelier Lighting helps create a mood or an effect, it aids in a task, and also helps express your personal style. Whether casual, contemporary, eclectic, modern, transitional, or simply traditional, Chandeliers are the perfect way to achieve your desired fashion or functional needs. Modern and contemporary chandeliers add style and personality to your living space. These modern chandeliers from Luceplan create just the right focal point in your contemporary space. By reflecting and magnifying light, this chandelier creates a glitzy, sophisticated glow in your foyer, dining room or living area. Equip this modern lighting fixture with the latest generation of bulbs, from halogen to energy-saving fluorescent, for technology that's as au courant as the look.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Kamar Tidur
Beberapa Ide Untuk Kamar Tidur
Jika saat ini anda merasa beberapa bagian dari hidup anda terasa membosankan, seperti suasana kamar tidur yang makin menjemukan, kenapa berfikir terlalu panjang? kenapa tidak segera merombaknya? dan dapatkan suasana yang baru untuk kamar tidur anda. Anda dapat memilih antara merombak kamar tidur anda secara keseluruhan atau hanya menambahkan sedikit sentuhan sehingga tampak lebih menarik. Untuk merubah atau mendekorasi kamar tidur biasanya dimulai dari menentukan budget (rencana pembiayaan), menemukan ide-ide baru yang spesifik, dan alokasi waktu untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan remodeling tersebut.
Ketiga hal diatas (biaya, ide, dan waktu) adalah batasan/parameter dalam proses remodeling ini. Sebagai contoh, jika anda ingin merombak kamar tidur anda, hampir pasti anda dan semua orang lebih menyukai jika waktu untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut lebih lama, anda pasti lebih menyukai jika durasi pekerjaan tersebut adalah 2 minggu, bukannya 1 minggu. Hal lain yang menjadi pertimbangan dan berhubungan dengan biaya adalah: siapa yang akan mengerjakannya? apakah anda mengerjakannya sendiri, atau menyerahkannya pada pihak yang lebih professional dalam hal remodeling atau dekorasi ruangan. Jika anda menyerahkannya pada pihak professional tentu biaya yang dibutuhkan lebih banyak dibandingkan jika anda mengerjakannya sendiri.
Jika anda ingin kamar tidur anda terkesan lebih segar dan tampilannya menjadi berbeda dari sebelumnya, mulailah dengan menentukan atau memilih kain, tekstur, warna, dan corak/pola yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Untuk pekerjaan remodeling (merombak) yang sederhana, merubah posisi tempat tidur, window treatment (pola, model, dan warna kain gorden penghias jendela), menambah atau merubah posisi letak artworks/aksesoris sudah cukup untuk merubah tampilan kamar/ruangan menjadi berbeda dari sebelumnya. Bingkai lukisan juga bisa menjadi elemen penting yang dapat menimbulkan kesan berbeda pada ruangan.
Jika saat ini dekorasi kamar tidur anda bergaya classic dan didalamanya banyak bingkai foto atau bingkai lukisan model classic, penuh ukiran, ornament, dan berwrna keemasan, cobalah ganti bingkai-bingkai lukisan tersebut.. Ganti warna bingka-bingkai tersebut dari keemasan menjadi hitam polos, ganti model bingkai-bingkai tersebut dari yang penuh ornament dan ukiran menjadi polos dan bersih, jika anda sudah melakukannya, maka anda akan mendapatkan perubahan nuansa, suasana dan tampilan kamar tersebut, dari model classic menjadi lebih kontemporer.
Jika didalam kamar tidur anda terdapat sofa, anda dapat menambahkan bantal kursi (cushion) pada sofa tersebut. Jika anda telah memiliki bantal kursi, ide yang mungkin dilakukan adalah mengganti cover/sarung bantal kursi atau sarung bantal ditempat tidur anda dengan warna dan pattern yang berbeda. Valances (kain gorden bagian atas), curtains (kain gorden yang menjuntai lebih memanjang kebawah), dan cornice (list plafond dengan motif/ukiran tertentu) juga merupakan elemen yang baik jika ingin merubah penampilan kamar/ruangan anda. Sebagian orang membayangkan atau menganggap bahwa penggunaan curtains, dan valance akan membuat penampilan ruangan terlihat classic, padahal kenyataan-nya tidaklah seperti itu. Dengan penataan yang tepat, maka kamar/ruangan anda juga bisa terlihat modern atau kontemporer.
Jika anda memiliki meubel/furniture lama, maka meubel/furniture lama itu juga bisa digunakan dalam pekerjaan remodeling kamar tidur anda. Misalkan anda memiliki lemari yang tidak terlalu bagus jika dibandingkan dengan meubel2 lain dirumah anda, anda dapat merubah lemari tersebut menjadi sama menariknya seperti meubel lain. Modifikasi dan berikan penampilan baru yang unik pada lemari tersebut, caranya bisa dengan mengecat ulang, membuat beberapa variasi warna, variasi material dan tekstur pada lemari tersebut.
Jika ukuran kamar/ruangan anda masih cukup luas, letakkanlah sebuah kursi pada bidang dinding didekat jendela. Hal ini akan menciptakan sebuah area yang nyaman untuk relax, bersantai sambil membanca buku bacaan favorit anda. Anda juga bisa membuat sebuah frame yang ditautkan (screw) ke dinding, dan sebuah kursi kayu berlapiskan busa (cushioned chair). Sesuaikanlah warna dan material-materialnya dengan tema dekorasi ruangan, jika tema-nya modern atau contemporary, maka pilihlah leather, atau fabric yang warnanya sesuai dengan tema tersebut. Tambahkan benda atau aksesoris lain dengan warna dan pola berbeda sebagai aksen.Kitchen Remodeling
Kitchen Remodeling – Flooring
If you want to give your kitchen a fresh, new look, changing out the flooring can make a huge difference. The great thing about changing flooring is that you can replace it at any time. In other words, it can be a stand-alone project or something you do as a part of changing the entire kitchen. Regardless, your kitchen will look amazing and the value of your home will benefit.
In most cases, a new floor can be placed over an old floor as long as the sub-flooring is in good condition. Just keep in mind that if the flooring will be connecting to other rooms, there would be issues with imbalance. Therefore, while this is an option, the better choice would be to tear out the old floor and have new flooring installed, especially if the new floor is hardwood.from http://architectaria.com
Interior Design
When decorating a room, one of the easiest ways to express your personality is by the window treatments you choose. Whether simple or elaborate, opaque or solid, the fabrics and textures you select help make the room your own.
Creating a window treatmentcan be a lot of fun, and is not the difficult task many people think. In fact, one does not have to be a master interior designer to come up with a window treatment that is original, tasteful, and pleasing to the eye. The process can actually be very simple.
Cornice boards,despised in the seventies and eighties, are back in vogue for the new millennium. The great news about cornice boards is they do not have to be the heavy wooden boxes with all the intricate carving of yesteryear. In fact, they don't have to be made of wood at all.
Today, cornice board kits are available which include basic components made of Styrofoam. These pre cut pieces are ideal to use when the object is to create a padded cornice board. After assembling your Styrofoam frame according to the kit's instructions, cover the frame with batting. Rolls of batting can be purchased at any craft shop and many discount stores. To secure to the frame, try some fabric glue and perhaps a staple or two. The use of hot glue is discouraged, as it can melt the Styrofoam, leaving your frame distorted and less sturdy.
When deciding on the fabric to cover your cornice board, take a look around your room. Consider the color of the walls, the grain of any of wood in the room. What minor colors in the upholstery, pillows, or carpets could you pick up for the window treatment? Along with the color scheme, what types of fabrics are present in the room? How many varying textures, weaves, and blends are already represented?
Once you have determined the color and texture of the fabric for the cornice board, lay the fabric flat, and place the cornice board frame on the fabric. Make sure you cut a piece of fabric that will allow you to completely cover the cornice board, with the seam visible only on the inside of the board. Carefully used a staple gun or fabric glue to secure the fabric, making sure the material remains taut and smooth. To further dress the exterior of the board, you may choose to attach roping to outline the edges of your cornice board. Fabric glue will allow you to do this without any actual sewing.
Creating a dramatic series of layered panels to go along with your cornice board can also be fun. Just as with the selection process for the material used on the board, turn to the elements in your room for cues on what types of fabrics, colors, and textures will work well in your panels. Generally speaking, you can create a dramatic layered look by using a series of panels of different lengths in conjunction with the cornice board. A suggestion would be a three tiered look for the panels. In order for the panels to seem to flow effortlessly from the cornice board, consider this arrangement of textures: begin a heavy fabric panel as the top overlay, a slightly less heavy panel for a middle overlay, and then something thin or sheer for the underlay panel. Allow about a third of each panel to be exposed, going from cornice board to floor.
There are a couple of ways to successful have this multilayered look. One would be to create each panel by sewing the three pieces together at the top, include an open hem for the curtain rod at the top, and then hem each piece of the layered panel to the appropriate length. Alternatively, you can achieve a true layered look by using a triple curtainrod set, placing one set of each of the panels on each successive road. A third means of achieving the look would be to use a double curtain rod for the middle and bottom panels, and securing the top panel to the cornice board itself.
When assembling this multilayered treatment, don't be afraid to be a little adventurous. Grab samples of anything you think might work in the room. Lay out a template on a work table or the dining room table and then spend a little time trying different texture and color combinations. Keep going until you find a combination that feels and looks good.
Once your panels are prepared, hang them first. Next, attach the cornice board to the window casing using the hardware that came in your kit. Finally, step back and arrange the panels to your liking.
Remember, there is no inherently perfect way to dress a window, so feel free to express yourself and come up with something that is right for you and your room. The end result will be something you can enjoy each and every day.Exclusive kitchens design
Here are some examples of exclusive kitchens designed by Philippe Starck Kitchens for Warendorf. The new collection from Starck will include the Library, Primary, Duality, and Tower kitchens which you should be able to identify at first glance. The Library kitchen design with its bookshelf elements which Philippe Starck has conceived to reinforce the connection between culture and food in domestic life. The Primary kitchen design brings neo-baroque design to the kitchen with its bright yellow mirrored glass fronts, etched decorative flourishes and "pretty" wall accessories. The Duality kitchen design delivers two options: a traditional wall piece or a detached kitchen island suited to your architecture and your style. The Tower kitchen with its striking towers, which can be rotated through 340° and which offers a thoroughly new approach to kitchen design. Visit Warendorf site – [via]
Modern home library and reading room design
Design modern home library and reading room in the house is made comfortable. Home library design and decorating ideas should make the room appear like a real library while at the same time keep the home atmosphere intact. Comfortable seating arrangements are a prerequisite when you go furniture hunting for your home library. The shape and styling would reflect your personal choices and preferences. Bookshelves and desks apart, you should have to think about the lighting and the proper focus to enable you to work long hours in your home library. Lighting should also be in the reading room, illumination have to enough to read the atmosphere and help the concentration to read.
Home libraries help you organize your book collection, make it easier to find books and make reading fun and relaxing within the comforts of your home.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Garage Storage Areas
Even homes with two or three garages, seem to have too little storage. In fact, this is one of the main complaints of most homeowners - not enough storage. Many of those that do have homes with garages keep the carsparked outside, keeping sports equipment, tools, boxed storage, extra furniture, and so on, stored inside. One way to increase the amount of storage in a garage is to start by adding shelves. Shelving options include prefabricated and site-built. To purchase all the necessary equipment and materials, simply visit your local hardware or home improvement store, or lumberyard.
Prefabricated shelves provide a solution that is sturdy, portable, adjustable, and easy and quick to install. The best option for garage storage in relation to prefabricated shelves is steel. Many people think that they should only purchase the steel shelves if they have heavier items to store when in fact, steel should be the option of choice regardless how heavy or light the items. Although plastic shelves cost less, ultimately they will break down quicker than steel. For fabricated shelves, consider the various types of things you plan to store. Additionally, you need to determine an area within the garage where the steel shelves will be located, taking careful measurements since this type of shelving cannot be cut down to size. This means when you shop for steel shelves, you will find standards sizes from which to choose.
Prefabricated shelving is also rated according to the weight it can accommodate. These ratings range from lightweight, perfect for storing the family's Christmas tree, sports equipment, or other boxed storage that does not weigh much, to heavy-duty, which would include items such as paint, sacks of concrete, heavy tools, and so on. To determine the appropriate rating for your needs, try to average the weight of everything you want to store and choose a shelf that can accommodate 25% over that average. You also want to consider that with prefabricated shelves, they can be adjusted. The best choice is an option that can be adjusted in a minimum of two locations within the framework. Make sure the unit has supporting pins to help prevent the shelves from dislodging. Many of the prefabricated shelves specific for heavy loads way need to be attached to the wall to ensure the unit does not tip over. This would be especially important if you have smaller children that might want to climb on the shelves for play or to find something.
Site-built shelves generally require some carpentry work. In most cases, this type of shelf is less expensive and can be adapted to various sizes to match your space need. The site-built shelf is usually constructed from 1½-inch plywood or a 1×2-foot piece of lumber that is placed on heavy-duty shelf brackets. To install this type of shelf, you would first attach the brackets, making sure you attach them to the studs, using lag bolts. If you want even more stability, the brackets can be attached to a ledger, which is a 1×4-foot piece of lumber that is attached to the studs on the backside of the shelf. Even adding metal brackets that have been augmented will help provide additional strength.
Floor-supported site-built shelves are an even more sturdy design. For this option, you can run vertical 2×4-foot pieces of lumber every 48 inches, allowing them to rest on the floor at the bottom, and then attaching them to the ceiling joists or rafters at the top. If you like, you can run additional 2×4-foot pieces of lumber horizontally on the edge between the uprights and then use particleboard or plywood for the shelves. Generally, the shelves measure from 18 to 24 inches deep and are spaced along the horizontal 2×4-foot lumber. Another excellent option is rafter-hung shelves. For this option, 2×4-foot lumber is bolted to the sides of the rafters as a way of forming overhead support. This framework can be left open for storing items that are long such as ladders or snow skis, or you can add plywood to create the shelves. One advantage of this option is that not as much floor space is used. Additionally, because this option is hung, you can adjust the height to accommodate any vehicle need to be parked in the garage.