Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Behold, the Cupcake!

Eventually, you'll probably see plenty of posts on The Babs Blog relating to cupcakes...because they are irresistible! Here's the first "cupcake post" to grace our page. Here are two ways to present cupcakes in a unique way:
First of all, consider trimming the "usual" and "uninspired" cupcake wrapper with paper strips in fun colors. You can find pre-cut strips in the scrapbooking aisle of your favorite craft store, or you can cut your own with a regular scissors or pinking shears.
Secondly, consider displaying one cupcake on a candle holder made for a pillar candle. This comes in especially handy when you've made birthday cupcakes and someone at your party is the guest of honor. Placing a cupcake with a birthday candle on a pillar candle holder makes it rise above all the other cupcakes...and it's an unexpected way to highlight your creative cupcake skills!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Significant Send-Off...

Some of you may have wondered..."Who IS Babs?" Well, she's a great gal---and definitely THE hostess with the mostess. So what does one do when the ultimate hostess is guest of honor at an upcoming soiree? The answer: Enlist the troops! A little background: Babs (and hubby Dave) are heading on a new adventure. After raising three of their own charming children (this is a completely unbiased assessment, of course), Dave and Babs are heading to Africa to work with children who haven't been nearly as blessed as we are. (We are excited for this new chapter in their life, and we'll be providing links to Dave and Babs' blog about their adventures in Liberia as soon as it's up and running.) Of course, we couldn't let them go without a party! The theme for their going-away bash was "it takes a village..." as it took many good friends to put on a last-minute shindig for more than 200 people. We had a yummy (and eye-pleasing) appetizer spread, an overabundance of desserts, a beautiful backyard to enjoy (thanks to our friends Pete and Helen), and lots of great guests. It was a fun evening, and we've provided some photos so you can see the details.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Springtime Parties

Spring is sublime. We're lucky to live in California, where this year's spring has brought amazing weather for outdoor entertaining. Here at the Babs Blog, we encourage you to get outside before it's too hot and enjoy the weather and beautiful scenery with friends and family. We had a lovely Easter celebration, and here are a few snapshots. This is "Babs" entertaining at its very core: it was easy, fun, and everyone participated. If you feel overwhelmed by the thought of entertaining, don't hesitate to let your guests help out! Our Easter was easy...everyone brought something to share. The word "potluck" has received some bad stereotyping in the past, but in reality, nothing could be better! If you're the host, prepare the drinks and set up a pretty table...and then enjoy the goodies your guests bring. Happy spring!

Check this out---the EASIEST entertaining!

We came across this website the other day, and we agree, it's genius! If you are in the process of planning a party and you weren't born with the "creative hostess gene," then check out this website that literally packages parties and sends them to your door. You just add the food and the guests. There are lots of themes and items (place settings, table decor, favors, mood music, etc.) are available a la carte or in packages. This site is also fun for getting great ideas for your next soiree...even if you are already a creative party maven. Check it out at Social Couture.