Monday, April 14, 2008

Springtime Parties

Spring is sublime. We're lucky to live in California, where this year's spring has brought amazing weather for outdoor entertaining. Here at the Babs Blog, we encourage you to get outside before it's too hot and enjoy the weather and beautiful scenery with friends and family. We had a lovely Easter celebration, and here are a few snapshots. This is "Babs" entertaining at its very core: it was easy, fun, and everyone participated. If you feel overwhelmed by the thought of entertaining, don't hesitate to let your guests help out! Our Easter was easy...everyone brought something to share. The word "potluck" has received some bad stereotyping in the past, but in reality, nothing could be better! If you're the host, prepare the drinks and set up a pretty table...and then enjoy the goodies your guests bring. Happy spring!

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