Thursday, November 13, 2008

Help Us Spread the Babs Blog!

The Babs Blog has been gaining popularity! We are quite excited about this and are thrilled (yet somewhat baffled) that people are actually reading our ramblings! The Babs Blog has readers in almost every state of the Union...but we are asking for your help.
So far, the Babs Blog has escaped Delaware, Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho. So...if you have a pal in one of these states, could you do us a favor and send the Babs Blog link on to them? We'd love to see if we can get readers in all 50 states before the end of the month! :) Thanks in advance for spreading the word and thanks to those of you who read the blog regularly. Your comments and emails make this fun! :)

---Jill & Kari

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