Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"Honey, I've got to run to Target..."

Oh, those words are common in so many households, aren't they?  You "run" to Target for toilet paper, a prescription, and new socks and, $200 later, you're done.  Target just has too many good things and it can be difficult to show restraint!  The three photos above show a few of the too-cute home items being offered by Target right now.  The designer is Orla Kiely and she has quite a fun flair!  Orla Kiely has long been envied in the design world for her fresh designs and youthful uses of color...and now, her designs are accessible through Target!  The price points are quite good and we would recommend stocking up on a few of her pieces for your springtime parties OR to keep on hand as hostess gifts that will be sure to get you invited back!

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