Thursday, April 16, 2009

Get in your car and drive...

Came across this picture the other day and it brought smiles.  The two of us (Jill & Kari) are at the end (standing next to each other in the fuschia top and the turquoise top).  The other gals are our cousins Heidi and Heather and the middle gal is our sister-in-law, Meagan.  The five of us have had some good times together.  This particular picture was taken during a road trip to Napa.  Fun, fun, fun.  While we had a great time wine-tasting, shopping, and enjoying the great weather, some of our favorite memories (and manic giggles) from this trip came from our time inside a car.  Yep, that's right:  inside a car!  

Road trips rule.  They are relatively cheap when you have a car-full sharing the fuel bill, and there are so many memories to be made!  The United States is a big, beautiful country and you only need a road trip with good friends to remind you of all the great places out there.  Here is a great article on Ten Great American Road Trips.  Of course, there are thousands of roads just begging to be discovered, so you needn't limit yourself to the trips in the article.  You also don't need to do an overnight road trip.  Sometimes, a road trip consists of one day, a picnic basket, an ipod full of travelin' tunes, and a map (or, if you're like our husbands, no map---just "intuition").  

Summer is rapidly approaching...why not plan a road trip for a couple days this summer?  Yes, while we know that spontaneity adds a certain something, the truth is that not everyone can do spur-of-the-moment trips.  Start planning now for a summer road trip---take lots of pictures and be sure to share them with us!

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