Friday, June 5, 2009

Kari's Summer Wishlist

As promised yesterday, here is Kari's wishlist/top ten list for the summer.  
As a recap, we were going off of this list:
1. A dress you'd like to wear.
2. An interior you'd like to live in.
3. Something you'd like to serve at your next party.
4. A piece of furniture you'd really like to have.
5. A place you'd like to be right now.
6. An accessory you'd like to wear.
7. A piece of furniture/something for the home you think should never have been invented.
8. A home you'd like to live in.
9. Something random you'd like to buy.
10. A way you'd like to relax.

1.  This dress is perfect for summer, I think.  The color will make me look tan, and I can dress it up or down depending on where I'm headed.  Love it.  (J. Crew)
2. So, okay.  This photo only gives a glimpse into an interior, but it's enough for me!  I love the color of those floors!  I think this is a kitchen I could spend a lot of time in and be quite happy.  (photo via Pink Wallpaper)
3.  At my next party, I'd like to serve pink champagne with a couple raspberries at the bottom of the glass.  
4.  The next piece of furniture I'm dying to have is a Saarinen dining table.  I'd like the oval one (96 inches) with the white marble top.  (photo via Little Green Notebook)
5.  I'd like to be in the Seychelles right now, with my hubby.
6.  I'd like to own this necklace off of Etsy.  (Doesn't it look a lot like the J.Crew bubble necklace?  Only the Etsy one is less than half the price, plus it supports an artist who is doing fine handmade work.)

7.  I feel very strongly that vertical blinds should never have been invented.  They are dust-collectors, they are always falling apart, and they never work the way they are supposed to.  If you have them in your home----I'm sorry.  (Maybe now is a good time to consider some simple curtain panels as an alternative?)
8.  I'd really like to live in this home.  It's cozy, quaint, and surrounded by green.  And I'm crazy about that yellow door!  (photo via Country Living.)
9.  I got a Roomba awhile back, and it changed my life.  Seriously.  It was wonderful to have the little bugger vacuuming while I was out of the house.  I'd return to nice, tidy wood floors.  Now I think I'd like the "Scooba" which is Roomba's savvy cousin.  Scooba scrubs floors.  Since the addition of a big mutt named Manny to our household, I'm thinking Scooba might have to join us here.
10.  I'd like to relax on a deck like this, overlooking scenery that didn't include neighbors for miles.  I'd mix up a big batch of sparkling sangria and hang out here with my husband, ipod playing some of our favorite tunes.  Maybe invite some friends, too.  Maybe we'd BBQ.  Maybe we'd nap.  Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

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