Friday, October 30, 2009

We Love Our Girlfriends...

Came across this quote the other day, and it was a nice reminder about why female friendships are so important.  If you have a great girlfriend or two in your life, you are truly blessed.  Click on the above image, print it out, and send it along with a nice note to a woman in your life you are lucky enough to count as a special friend.

Happy weekend!
---Jill &  Kari

Monday, October 26, 2009

Act Like A Lady...

There is something wonderful about lady-like details, isn't there? Even the most tomboyish of our girl friends will, on occasion, don a dress and seem to walk on air (if only for an evening) because of the ladylike attire.  We wish that women were still dressing this way more often, to tell the truth.  Today, a ride on a commercial airplane will give you an eyeful of shlumpy sweatpants, ratty flipflops, and holey college t-shirts on women.  Only a few decades ago, a ride on a commercial airplane (or even a trip to the department store) meant pantyhose, gloves, and hats.  While we don't really want to bring back pantyhose anytime soon, we do love the idea of dressing like a lady.  The ladylike accessories seen above are from, who we love.  While brides love for unique aisle-worthy accessories, we think a pair of boyfriend jeans and a t-shirt could be dressed up a bit with a pair of heels and one of these lovely ban.d0 headbands, corsages, or belts.  Even a trip to the grocery store would become more fun with one of these accessories!  :)  
(We understand the need for a shlumpy outfit or two, by the way.  But let's save the exercise pants for pilates class and weeding the flowerbed, shall we?)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kitchen Lust...

Just the thought of whipping up a Thanksgiving dinner for a passel of relatives has us drooling over these kitchens.  Think lots of counter space, savvy organizational ideas, and top-notch materials and finishes...
(all photos from Canadian House & Home)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another Beauty from Hostess With the Mostess:

Trust us---you're going to want to check this one out.  Hostess With the Mostess has the most gorgeous baby shower posted right now.  The theme was "Anthropologie-style Owl Baby Shower."  It's just perfect.  Completely sigh-worthy.  Check it out for a little party inspiration!
Behold: the delicious Starbucks pumpkin cream-cheese muffin.  Amazing (yet calorie-ridden!).  We know of many who would like to duplicate this tasty little treat for the autumn season.  We can't guarantee you the identical recipe, but we will say that we rather enjoy Rachael Ray's version, Cheesecake-filled Pumpkin Cupcakes.  (If you try this version, we recommend not bothering with the frosting.  The cupcakes are better without and this is a pretty labor-intensive frosting recipe!)  We'd also like to try these two recipes:
The Recipezaar recipe claims to be just like the Starbucks muffins.  Hmmmm....

If you have a great pumpkin recipe (or any other fall recipe you think Babs Blog readers would enjoy) make sure to leave a comment or email us!  We'd love to share your favorites with other readers!  Thanks!

---Jill & Kari

P.S.  We apologize for the poor photo quality above.  No, that muffin doesn't look so appetizing up close...

Pumpkin Lasagna

Hello, all.  Kari here.  I am loving the cooler weather and the presence of fall bounty in the grocery store and in farmer's markets, aren't you?  The other day, I picked up a couple of good-looking "pumpkin pie pumpkins" from a farmer's market.  It was admittedly an impulse buy as I had no idea what to do with them!  I often cook from scratch and without following a recipe.  As much as this may make it sound like I'm a proficient gourmet cook, this is not the case.  The reason I usually cook from scratch and without the use of recipes is because I am pretty poor at planning ahead.  In between school and my husband's busy travel schedule for work (I usually travel with him), I don't often keep a careful menu for the week.  So, when I have the time to cook, I use the ingredients I have on hand and I make extra and end up freezing meals for handy availability when there isn't much extra time for cooking.  The other day, I ended up making a pumpkin lasagna that was, in my opinion and the hubby's opinion, a fortuitous stroke of luck!  It ended up being a quite tasty dish, so I'm glad I made extra to freeze.  Some friends have asked for the recipe, so I am going to attempt to recall what I did below.  However, here are three other pumpkin lasagnas from the web that I think look equally tasty (and, if you must follow a strict recipe, you may have better luck with one of these!)
I took out a shallow baking pan and put about 1/4 inch water in the bottom.  The oven was preheated to 350 degrees (F).  I sliced one of the pumpkin pie pumpkins in half, cleaned out the seeds and stuff, and placed the halves face down in the baking pan.  I roasted the pumpkin in the oven for about 45 minutes (until tender all the way through).  When the pumpkin came out of the oven, I scooped the pumpkin flesh away from the skin into a separate bowl.

I used two 8x8 inch glass pans to bake my lasagnas in (we had one for dinner---with leftovers!---and the other was wrapped and put in the freezer for another meal down the road).  I sprayed the pans with nonfat nonstick cooking spray and set them aside.

In a saute pan, I sauteed one onion (diced) with a package of mushrooms I needed to use.  I sauteed the onion and mushrooms in a tablespoon or so of olive oil along with two minced garlic cloves. I added some herbs and spices to this while it was cooking:  oregano and some mediterranean herbed sea salt.  Once this was all finished cooking, I added about a 1/2 cup of chicken broth and about 1 1/2 cups of extra lean ground turkey that I had prepared the night before----leftovers!  :)

Meanwhile, I boiled some whole wheat lasagna noodles and set those aside.

I also mixed in some low-fat ricotta cheese to the pumpkin flesh.  I'm thinking it was about a cup of ricotta cheese, but I didn't measure it out---but you could add however much you wanted, I think.

To assemble the lasagna, I put down one layer of noodles, then a layer of the pumpkin mixture, then a layer of the onion/mushroom/turkey mixture.  I repeated this one more time.  I added some low-fat shredded cheese to the top layer and popped it in the oven for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

As you can see, this was a pretty low-fat healthy version of pumpkin lasagna!  I think this would be amazing with a little cream, smoked cheese, and smoked turkey mixed in----but first of all, I didn't have those ingredients on hand, and secondly, we are trying to be healthy around here.  :)  Even so, my husband loved the end result and he can be pretty critical of low-fat "healthy stuff."  All in all, using pumpkin this way was easy, delicious, and there are a thousand ways to modify what I did to make a really tasty dish for your family.  Enjoy!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Cookie Recipe

Last October, we blogged about these fabulous pumpkin cookies.  And today, a year later, while having lunch with a good friend, one of us was told, "I made those pumpkin cookies from your blog last year and I need to make them again this year.  They were so good!"  

So, we thought we'd better remind y'all of this great pumpkin cookie recipe, since it really is delicious.  (And just think of the amazing aroma they will send through your house this weekend while they are baking?  Mmmmm....your house will smell like autumn!)

Happy baking!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Thanksgiving Table Inspiration

Here are a handful of photos from Country Living.  Don't they just make you excited about Thanksgiving?  There is something so special about setting a beautiful table for the people you love.  We hope these photos inspire you to do something unique and beautiful for your Thanksgiving decor this year.  :)

Planning Ahead: Thanksgiving Hostess Gifts

We realize not everyone will be hosting Thanksgiving---some will be lucky enough to attend at someone else's home. Thanksgiving is a huge undertaking for the hostess, though, so it's important that guests show their appreciation. Here are three very charming hostess gifts from Etsy. We think any one of these items would be a great way to say "thanks!" to the Thanksgiving hostess in your life this year:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What's your Interiors Style?

A blog we have grown to love, Ada & Darcy, informed us about a fun little quiz you can take to test what your decorating style is.  Just for kicks, we had to pass it on!

We took the quiz, too!  According to the quiz, Jill's decorating style is "Eastern Boho:"
and, Kari's decorating style is "High Street Classic."
What's your style?  Take the quiz here.

For Those Who Plan Ahead...

We recently received a sweet note from our very good friend Robin who lives in Iowa with a household full of boys on a small farm. She asked us to start blogging about Thanksgiving table ideas, as she is doing Thanksgiving this year and she is planning ahead. We thought this to be a splendid idea. You see, we grew up in a house that loved Thanksgiving and sort of loathed Halloween. Oh sure, Halloween is fun for the kids and all, but have you noticed that, in so many ways, it has overshadowed Thanksgiving? The stores love Halloween for the commercial draw it creates, but the holiday where we sit around the table with family and reflect on all the things we very spoiled people have to be grateful for gets pushed out of the limelight. So...that being said, we are going to start pumping up Thanksgiving on this here little ole blog. Thanksgiving is a wonderful day and a genuine attitude of thanksgiving is becoming harder and harder to find. We think that this year, especially, is a great year to really start giving thanks with gusto.

Robin, we applaud your efforts to think ahead about your Thanksgiving celebration. That planning ahead thing is a very Babs quality, after all! :)

Here are a few table decor ideas gleaned from Better Homes & Gardens. We suggest you take a look at this site for recipe ideas and more decor inspiration. In the next few weeks, we'll have more Thanksgiving ideas to share. Robin, thanks for pointing us in the right direction and happy planning!


Friday, October 9, 2009

Paper Love

Isn't paper wonderful? It's such a versatile material and it can be manipulated into very fun or very elegant ways. One of us has what is bordering on an unhealthy preoccupation with all things pretty & paper. The following photos are from the archives of Ms. Martha Stewart. They are posted on her site as wedding ideas, but we think there's a lot of charming inspiration in these photos for weddings, showers, dinner parties, birthdays...the list goes on.  If you are one of our bride-to-be readers, check out the rest of Martha's wedding ideas here.  And even if you don't have a wedding in your future, consider paper to be a great low-cost way to really dress up a party space!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Great Pumpkin

Killing some time in an airport last weekend, one of us picked up a copy of Southern Living off of a newstand. The entire magazine was enjoyable to read, but the pumpkin recipes were the truly enticing part of the periodical! Here are two really amazing recipes that feature pumpkin as the star:
We suggest you check out Southern Living online for more great recipes, too!

Pretty Birthday Dinner

We keep coming back to Hostess With the Mostess time and again because the ideas are great, the photos are beautiful, and we appreciate it when blogs give away the secrets to putting something pretty together. :) Check out this fun, colorful birthday dinner party.  Lots of great ideas here, and this isn't one of those parties that would be too involved to put together if you're not super artistic (or if you just are low on time or energy!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Inspiration for Small Spaces


Are you like most people in that you have a small space in your home that presents design challenges?  If so, welcome to the club.  Even in this age of monstrously overbuilt subdivision homes, there still seems to be a small or awkward space that most homeowners are trying to contend with.  Canadian House & Home has a fun photo gallery that shows how some very clever designers have solved small space issues.  Check it out and you might just come away inspired!

We Love Lonny!

We know we are late on this one...and we've just generally been slackers about this blog. We are sorry---so sorry! Life is crazy right now. We are sure most of you can relate!  So, even though we are late in telling you how much we love the online mag called Lonny, we had to still post it just in case someone out there hasn't checked out all that is the Lonny goodness.'ll want a good cup of coffee or a delicious fall tea before you settle into your favorite comfy chair with your laptop to check Lonny out 'cause you'll be there awhile!  Happy browsing!