Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For Those Who Plan Ahead...

We recently received a sweet note from our very good friend Robin who lives in Iowa with a household full of boys on a small farm. She asked us to start blogging about Thanksgiving table ideas, as she is doing Thanksgiving this year and she is planning ahead. We thought this to be a splendid idea. You see, we grew up in a house that loved Thanksgiving and sort of loathed Halloween. Oh sure, Halloween is fun for the kids and all, but have you noticed that, in so many ways, it has overshadowed Thanksgiving? The stores love Halloween for the commercial draw it creates, but the holiday where we sit around the table with family and reflect on all the things we very spoiled people have to be grateful for gets pushed out of the limelight. So...that being said, we are going to start pumping up Thanksgiving on this here little ole blog. Thanksgiving is a wonderful day and a genuine attitude of thanksgiving is becoming harder and harder to find. We think that this year, especially, is a great year to really start giving thanks with gusto.

Robin, we applaud your efforts to think ahead about your Thanksgiving celebration. That planning ahead thing is a very Babs quality, after all! :)

Here are a few table decor ideas gleaned from Better Homes & Gardens. We suggest you take a look at this site for recipe ideas and more decor inspiration. In the next few weeks, we'll have more Thanksgiving ideas to share. Robin, thanks for pointing us in the right direction and happy planning!


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