Thursday, July 28, 2011

desain rumah minimalis 2 lantai bandung

beberapa contoh desain rumah mewah minimalis, tampilan dan corak warna serta keindahan taman serta korelasi dari perumahan itu sendiri yang dapat memberikan kelebihan tersendir serta menarik konsumen dengan mudah, maka desain mewah minimalis selalu banyak diburu para pembeli properti, untuk lebih banyak koleksi kami bisa meluncur kesini
desain rumah minimalis 2 lantai bandung

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

rumah minimalis

Berikut ini contoh-contoh desain rumah minimalis, jika teman-teman ada yang ingin di buatkan gambar rumah & kelengkapan proyek mulai dari siteplan sampai ke program marketing, bisa hubungi kami ya, insya allah kami memiliki arsitek yang membantu anda sehingga pengerjaan proyek anda bisa terlaksana dengan baik :)

Rumah Type 36

Rumah Type 45/90

Rumah Type 60/120

lebih lengkap lagi bisa meluncur kesini 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cerritos East - Pasig City 
Located in the progressive city of Pasig, Cerritos East offers convenient living near commercial spots and educational institutions. Cerritos East combines accessible location and quality living. Amenities include clubhouse, parks and playground, commercial area, swimming pool and basketball court.  
Model Houses:
House Model: Reana - Townhouse
Floor Area: 40 sq.m.
Lot Area: 36 sq.m.
• Full 2-storey
• 2 Bedrroms

• 1 Toilet and bath

• Living room

• Dining area / Kitchen
House Model: Marvela
Floor Area:
52 sq.m.
Lot Area:
70 sq.m.
Full 2-storey

• 2 Bedrroms

• 1 Toilet and bath

• Dining area

• Living room

• Kitchen
House Model: Carmela
Floor Area:
64 sq.m.
Lot Area:
88 sq.m.  
• Full 2-storey
• 3 Bedrroms

• 1 Toilet and bath

• Balcony

• Living room

• Service area

• Covered carport

The Community
Basketball Court 
Court Clubhouse and Swimming Pool
Clubhouse and Swimming Pool
Park and Playground
House Interior
House Interior
House Interior

Monday, July 25, 2011

Colour me, colour me not!

Painting is an easy and inexpensive way to add instant life to a room; albeit the colour you choose will have an impact on the mood you are trying to create.

Yes I know it can be a daunting process to choose the right colour - have you ever heard someone say "I loved the colour in the shop and once I painted the room I immediately hated it", Déjà Vu?

If you are not comfortable choosing it by yourself then you should hire a professional to help you choose the right colour scheme. Remember that nowadays interior design isn't only for the chosen few, plus how your room is designed and the colour you choose will impact the way you live and feel more then you will ever imagine.

If you are a keen DIY'er, follow these simple steps to help you make the right choice:

  • Shops can match any colour that you might find in a magazine, a piece of fabric, etc.
  • Choose a colour from a a paint swatch and then go a shade lighter.
  • Get a test sample and paint a test area before making the final decision. 

Remember that  the lighting in the shop is different from the lighting in your home so the colour will change - you must see it in the room and most important at various times of the day.

You have probably heard before that you should paint small rooms with light colours. Well I believe that a deep colour doesn't necessarily make the room look smaller in fact a small hallway painted a deep grey together with the right lighting will give the impression of a big space and it will make it look extremely stylish although I understand that it might not be everyone's cup of tea (husband now laughing because it is my ubiquitous phrase).

But if you are still not comfortable going alone then do get in touch - that's why I am here for!

So either by yourself or together with myself do go and be creative.

Pictures via,,,,

Friday, July 22, 2011

modern bedroom design

Function, mood and harmony are the factors that spell the difference between designer bedroom and the usual. A great bedroom is a place to relax and recharge, a stylish and peaceful retreat that’s as versatile as it is welcoming.

Modern bedroom designs with interior decoration is extremely important in order to get that instant feel of relaxation and comfortable atmosphere. The first thing that catches the eyes are the colors used on the walls, carpets and bed set so, they all must be soothing in pastel colors in order to provide a relaxing effect.

Bedroom Furniture should be designed keeping in mind the profile of the person living in the bedroom. The layout and style of a bedroom reflects the personality of the individual.

Keep the bedroom interior design minimal, neat and always clean but also don’t forget to add some change and color with every season in order to keep it exciting and adventurous.

Here is your chance to do something extraordinary for yourself…Get some ideas from these modern bedroom designs.

master bedroom designs

Master bedroom is designed for the head of the family; usually for husband and wife. The bedroom is mainly equipped with a queen-size bed or king size bed and dresser. However, today a master bedroom has been changed into a room which provides the greatest calm and richness.

Master bedroom includes a dressing table, closet, mirrors, wet bars, combined bathroom and elegant furniture. The furniture of master bedroom comes in a variety of styles such as traditional and contemporary. It has great difference with other bedrooms as it is made of solid wood and metals. The room may be decorated in many ways. The following are some of the approaches for ornamentation of the room.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

belajar usaha properti dari A sampai Z adalah testimoni penghuni milist YukBisnisProperti@YahooGroups.Com yang bernama Arif Fahruddin. Sengaja saya postingkan kembali ke facebook dan blog saya tanpa proses editing. Tanpa panjang lebar, karena yang panjang-panjang disukai ibu-ibu dan yang lebar-lebar tidak disukai bapak-bapak. Lanjutkan!

Terus terang sudah lama saya browsing cara memulai bisnis dibidang properti melalui mbah google, tapi belum ketemu yang pas. Alhamdulillah, untuk kesekian kalinya browsing , akhirnnya saya menemukan blognya Piak Aryo, trus gabung milis yukbisnisprotperti. Saya tercengaeng, kok isinpya begitu "vulgar" blak-blakan mengupas tuntas dunia perpropertian, mulai dari A sampai Z. bukan hanya teori tapi juga pengalaman empiris. Gaya penulisan dan pemaparan yang begitu renyah ala pak AD dan pak AW serta anggota milis yang lain, menjadi nilai tambah. Dulu, untuk menjadi developer bermimpipun belum berani. Sekarangi, Insya Allah bukaan hanya berani bermimpi, tapi Alhamdulillah ada guidence untuk merealisasikan mimpi-mimpi. walaupun masih mulai lewat kontraktor, tapi insya allah segera bertransformasi menjadi developer, mohon doanya.baca selanjutnya disini

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Cara Cerdas Membangun Kekayaan

Langkah Cerdas Membangun Kekayaan Melalui Properti Tanpa Modal" adalah buku pertama Joe Hartanto dan diterbitkan oleh PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Ini adalah sebuah buku yang sangat dibutuhkan dan dinantikan oleh banyak orang. Buku ini mengungkapkan rahasia dan fakta2 yang selama ini diimpikan dan didambakan oleh banyak orang, yaitu trik dan strategi bagaimana membeli properti tanpa mengeluarkan modal sepeserpun dari kantong kita

Buku ini sangat cocok bagi anda yang ingin memiliki mesin uang bernama properti, jika anda selama ini berpikir bahwa membeli properti membutuhkan modal besar………tunggu sampai anda membaca buku ini, pikiran anda akan diputar balikkan 180%. Anda akan mendapatkan banyak trik dan strategi jitu yang telah teruji dan dipraktekkan di lapangan. Baca selengkapnya »


Beberapa minggu  yang lalu, saat saya sedang mengajar di sebuah kelas Entrepreneurshipdi  Karawang, tiba tiba dari bagian belakang kelas ada seorang ibu muda yang membawa anaknya yang masih berusia sekitar 4-5 tahun mengacungkan jarinya. Dan ketika saya berikan kesempatan ibu muda ini berbicara, terjadilah percakapan seperti ini :Baca selengkapnya »

kaya mendadak

"Saya Tidak Punya uang pak !!! ……dan tidak punya modal untuk menjalankan bisnis property yang menghasilkan pak !!!" Demikian salah satu dari sekian banyak email yang saya terima.
"Saya masih seorang pegawai rendahan pak , tidak punya modal untuk berbisnis , tidak bisa ikut karena saya masih banyak hutang pak , saya sedang dikejar2 debt collector pak , saya sudah banyak belajar ilmu tentang property,  tapi belum sukses2"Dan masih banyak email senada lainnya, yang biasanya  di akhir email terkadang terselip permintaan tolong agar mereka bisa keluar dari jeratan2 tersebut dengan cara ingin belajar di kelas Property Cash Machine . Baca selengkapnya »

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rooms With Orange

Happy Monday! I (Kari) am in need of a bit of cheer today. We are in the middle of a major project pain here at my house. Long story short, when we did a downstairs renovation 2.5 years ago, apparently, the plumber installed a toilet with a bad seal. So, for the past two years, every time the toilet was flushed, it was sending water underneath our downstairs floor. By the time there was an indication of a problem, some major damage had already been done. Upon investigation, it became apparent that our entire downstairs floor would need to be replaced. (Apparently, two years of flushing a toilet with a bad seal equals A LOT OF WATER.) An entire wood floor had to be ripped out, mold dealt with, drywall fixed. We are currently living on concrete while the issue gets worked out. Lucky for me, I have a husband with a great sense of humor, so we are smiling our way through this minor ordeal. Ah, the joys of home ownership, right?

So, today, let's look at some cheery rooms, shall we? Nothing like a shot of orange into a room to put a smile on your face. I think that when we get the new floor in I'll have to do a little zhushing things up with some orange accessories...Until then, let's enjoy these pretties:

Above 3 Photos via Elle Decor

Above 6 photos via Shelterness