Monday, July 18, 2011

Rooms With Orange

Happy Monday! I (Kari) am in need of a bit of cheer today. We are in the middle of a major project pain here at my house. Long story short, when we did a downstairs renovation 2.5 years ago, apparently, the plumber installed a toilet with a bad seal. So, for the past two years, every time the toilet was flushed, it was sending water underneath our downstairs floor. By the time there was an indication of a problem, some major damage had already been done. Upon investigation, it became apparent that our entire downstairs floor would need to be replaced. (Apparently, two years of flushing a toilet with a bad seal equals A LOT OF WATER.) An entire wood floor had to be ripped out, mold dealt with, drywall fixed. We are currently living on concrete while the issue gets worked out. Lucky for me, I have a husband with a great sense of humor, so we are smiling our way through this minor ordeal. Ah, the joys of home ownership, right?

So, today, let's look at some cheery rooms, shall we? Nothing like a shot of orange into a room to put a smile on your face. I think that when we get the new floor in I'll have to do a little zhushing things up with some orange accessories...Until then, let's enjoy these pretties:

Above 3 Photos via Elle Decor

Above 6 photos via Shelterness

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