Wednesday, October 19, 2011

52 Weeks of Free Art

Hi, all!  Kari here.  

Some of you know this, some of you don't---but the husband and I are preparing for an out-of-state move in the near future.  This will be quite the change for me as I have lived in California my entire life.  We are headed to Colorado for my husband's job, so I am considering how my winter wardrobe will need to be bulked up (I'm thinking lots of cute boots...) and we are also looking for the perfect new address.

The search for the perfect address put us in touch with a very helpful realtor who, through conversation, shared about his very talented artist wife.  Crystal Despain is a busy mom of four and a talented painter.  She is doing the coolest project right now, called 52 Weeks of Free Art.  Check out her informational video here:

When Crystal's husband mentioned his wife's project, I had to check it out.  I went to the website and was blown away!  There are a lot of people painting out there, but Crystal has true talent.  She is giving one free painting away a week, until the end of this year!  Check out some of the free art she has done for people so far:

Aren't they all fantastic?  Yep, just like I said---she's one talented lady.  I love all the styles she can embrace.  Want to find out how you can get a painting done by Crystal of the photo of your choosing for free?  Go here for the details.

In addition, you should check out her darling children's portraits at Duck Duck Zebra.  These paintings are precious---and the pricing is amazing!  Just think---Christmas is fast approaching.  Wouldn't a custom portrait of your favorite little one make an amazing gift for a grandparent or parent?  I'm seriously thinking of having Crystal do some commissioned work for me---just need to iron out the exact subject matter.  Check out the links on this post for more of Crystal's work!

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