Monday, November 10, 2008

What's Cookin'?

Veterans Day Weekend is an important weekend to us. A tradition was started by Babs that once a year a group of very special ladies would join together for an annual "Girls Weekend." We keep that tradition going even though this year Mom (Babs) could not join us. We know she was thinking about us from Liberia, probably sharing a story or two about former Girls Weekends with Dad. This year, Girls Weekend was held in San Francisco and we attended a wonderful cooking class as our "main activity." (A special thanks to Aunt Cathy and to Terri for making all the fun arrangements!) Our group keeps growing as marriages happen---(if you marry one of "our guys," you automatically have to endure Girls Weekend!) This year, Lindsey joined us for her first Girls Weekend (she married into the group this past September---hurray!) Lindsey actually made all the cute aprons you see in the photo above. What a nice surprise that was! So, not only did we learn some cooking tips, but we all looked pretty darn cute while we did it, thanks to Lindsey. :)
We enjoyed our cooking class in the home of Emily Dellas who owns First Class Cooking. What a wonderful treat this experience was! Emily was kind, warm, and definitely patient. She was full of great tips---secrets about ingredients and cooking utensils. The menu was delicious and all of us left with the recipes---and the confidence to try them again. We had roasted corn chowder with jalapeno, a butternut squash gratin (to die for!), pomegranate-glazed pork tenderloin, and we finished off with a decadent creme brulee. It was a very fun evening!

We hope this post encourages you to do two things:
First of all, gather the beautiful women in your life and begin a yearly Girls Weekend. We do something different every year, but it's really the getting together and having a weekend of good, old-fashioned belly laughs that makes it special.

Secondly, if you are in the San Francisco area, look up Emily Dellas and arrange a cooking class! Her website is at First Class Cooking, and you'll see lots of options for classes. It was a wonderful evening and we all learned so much. If you don't live near San Francisco and you aren't looking to take a trip to the City by the Bay, look in your immediate area for opportunities to take a private cooking class with your girlfriends!

Thank you, Emily, for a wonderful evening!

Above, Emily teaches the group some tricks for cooking a perfect pork tenderloin.

Our sister-in-law Meagan with her sister, Katie---washing hands before getting them in the ingredients!

Jill, serving up delicious corn chowder.

Sisters-in-law Lindsey and Katie. (Lindsey is responsible for those darling aprons!)

Jill and cousin Heidi showing us their stirring skills. (Or, Jill was stirring and Heidi was supervising...)

Cousin Heather, washing the leeks. Or at least holding the bowl for Meagan...

Heidi, rewarding herself for something...must be her supervising skills...

Terri, Meagan, and Jill

Emily teaches Heather how to properly cut an onion

Heather, attempting the cutting skills on her own

Emily teaching the group how to get the good stuff out of a vanilla bean

Terri and Jill at the helm of the stove

Heidi, serving up the creme brulee

Katie, showing her torch skills

Meagan does her best Julia Childs impersonation

The leftovers of our labor...amazing butternut squash gratin and pork tenderloin

Creme brulee...delicious!

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