Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Spend-Less Christmas...

Budgets are tight for most folks this Christmas. While some people are woefully thinking about what they can't have this year due to less disposable income, truly savvy individuals are instead getting creative. You don't need to spend a lot of money to have a festive home. See that really cute sparkly, snowy, wintry house under the glass dome in the top picture? Yes, it looks Pottery Barn-esque. But it came from WalMart's Christmas collection a couple years ago! Folks, it's time to start scouring cheapo depots for decor!

And see those branches in the bottom picture? Some bare branches in a vase or cute bucket make for a great place to display your Christmas cards. Most trees need a little pruning in the fall/early winter, anyway, so you can probably get these free from your own yard. Have the branches ready (you can even hang a few ornaments on them or fill up the container with ornaments to cover the bottoms of the branches). When your first Christmas cards arrive in the mail, just punch a hole in the corner of each card, string with a little ribbon, and tie to one of the branches. As your cards roll in, your branches fill up, but it looks festive and upscale and it means that your fridge won't be covered in cards this year!

What are your great ideas for affordable holiday decorating this year? Please share them by posting a comment or by sending the Babs Blog an email. Happy decorating!

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