Hi, everybody. Kari here.
This is my third winter in Visalia. On my first winter in this sleepy little California Central Valley town, I noticed something peculiar. It was the middle of January, and along one of the major roads in Visalia, an almond tree was pushing blossoms already. Jill and I were raised on an almond farm and we know that those blossoms are supposed to wait until well into February. Someone forgot to tell that tree, though. I thought this tree was a terrible tease as I longed for my favorite season of the year, spring, to hurry up.
Last year, having forgotten about the little tree trying to rush spring, I was out and about doing errands and I noticed the same phenomenon. It was the middle of January, and that almond tree was trying desperately to make it spring. Blossoms were starting to poke out all over the tree.
Well, this year, I actually looked for the tree. Sure enough, a couple weeks ago, I noticed my faithful little almond tree trying to push his buds into blossoms. Today, I drove past my tree and saw him totally engulfed in fluffy white blossoms. It's raining today, so he'll probably not be keeping his flowery show for long, but he is, at this very moment, mocking the rain with his spring suit on. :)
I love this tree. It's one of my favorite things about Visalia, a town I have been slow to fall in love with. (No offense, Visalia, but you took a little time to warm up to!) I imagine the reason that this tree stands alone is that he was kicked out of an orchard for being a rogue. He, like me, wants spring to get here much faster than it usually does. He's a rule-breaker. :)
I like the idea of always seeing blossoms toward the middle of January, when I know I'm not supposed to see this until the middle or end of February. To me, it's a little sneak peek of my favorite time of year and it's like this tree is telling me, "Hang in there! Spring's a-comin!"
I know that some of you who read this blog have had a dreadful, cold winter that doesn't seem to have any end in sight. I hope there's something around you that is reminding you that spring is, in fact, just around the corner. We only have a couple more months to wait...