Monday, February 2, 2009

Itty-Bitty BLTs...

Scenario:  Your husband accepts an invitation to a Superbowl Party and forgets to tell you that he's volunteered you to bring an appetizer.  What do you do?

One of us found herself in this situation on Sunday, not too long before the game.  So, she decided that she would make mini BLT sandwiches.  (Who doesn't like Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato sandwiches?  Seriously, this was a childhood mainstay at our house growing up.  Lots of times, BLTs were made on Sunday evenings, after night church, for dinner.  Yum.  That and Dad's waffles were Sunday night favorites!)  Surprisingly, the mini BLTs ended up being the hit of the Superbowl bash.  (Who woulda thunk it?)

We are fully intending to make these again for our next party, when finger food is on the menu.  To make the mini BLTs, cut up a baguette into thin slices.  Lightly butter the slices of bread and grill on the stovetop using a grill pan (or you could broil them in the oven or toast them with a panini press).  Cook up a bunch of bacon.  Then, enlist your hubby/significant other/friend/sister/whoever to help you assembly-line style.

Put a little mayo on each slice of toasted/grilled bread.  Fold up a piece of bacon, add a slice of tomato (we found that roma tomatoes are the perfect diameter for these mini sandwiches), add some lettuce, and pin it all together with a toothpick.  Amazing, but these little mini BLTs were what got the most comments at the Superbowl party (And these are so easy---the ingredients didn't take any thought and are readily available). 

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