Monday, April 6, 2009

Ideas from the Cupcake Parlour

If we lived in Australia, we'd be heading over to the Cupcake Parlour for one of these treats, for sure.  Since we don't live in Australia, we are instead drooling over these little beauties!  And, we are looking at the way they've been decorated and are gleaning ideas...
Cupcakes, while easy to bake, can cause a tad of angst for those who don't feel their frosting technique is up to standards.  (That's where looking at Martha Stewart cupcakes online can really be depressing...but remember, that lady has a staff the size of Connecticut to frost her cupcakes just so...)  We like the ideas shown in the photos above.  A little dab of frosting and then a cookie added on top.  Or, a mound of frosting with two cookie halves pressed into it so you have a butterfly.  Very smart.  Very simple.  And it means that you can have really good looking cupcakes without having to be an artist with a frosting knife!

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