Monday, June 1, 2009

Learn to Sew!


Between the two of us, we've heard it a jillion times:
"I wish I could sew."
"I really need to learn how to sew."
"Is sewing hard? I have a sewing machine, but I don't know how to use it."
"My Mom tried to teach me how to sew, but that didn't go so well..."

Well, ladies, we've got a couple suggestions for you on how to learn how to sew.  There is, after all, no time like the present!  First of all, call up your local fabric store and inquire about classes.  Most fabric store chains offer classes, and the smaller fabric stores often know of someone locally who teaches beginning sewing.  This is the best way to jump in and learn the basics.  The other thing we can recommend is getting your hands on the book shown above.  "Sew Everything Workshop" by Diana Rupp is excellent.  Diana Rupp teaches sewing classes in New York City and out of those experiences comes this excellent, useful book.  In normal, everyday language, Diana goes carefully through all the basics----from what the parts of a sewing machine are to how to make a button hole.  Somehow, she is able to explain all of this in a practical, non-complicated way.  This book also includes a nifty attached envelope with ten patterns.  At the back of the book, each pattern is explained carefully as Diana takes you from start to finish on fun projects.  Even if you have a little sewing background, this book is a great way to brush up on skills that might be a little rusty.  So, ladies, no more excuses!  If you want to learn to sew, summer is a great time to jump in!  

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