Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why We Love 'Sunset'

We simply must, must, must mention one of our favorite resources here...
You see, we have taken it for granted that everyone out there knew about Sunset Magazine and the wealth of information that can be gleaned from the Sunset website.  Clearly, though, as Sunset Magazine is aimed at people in the western part of the U.S., some of you are missing out!  

We love both magazine and website for the endless information on gardening, homekeeping, crafty ideas, travel locales, food, wine, etc.  Want to know how to make a water feature in your backyard?  Check.  Want to know how to create a raised bed garden on a very small amount of land?  Check.  Want to know how to create a sparkling chandelier on a budget so that you can eat outside under candlelight?  Check.  How about finding out what the best wine for the buck is, or how to whip up a gourmet steak, or how to can peaches?  Check, check, and check.  And, to our utter delight, it seems that Sunset Magazine is becoming increasingly savvy about design trends for the home.  We love this resource, and we think you will, too!

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