Monday, October 26, 2009

Act Like A Lady...

There is something wonderful about lady-like details, isn't there? Even the most tomboyish of our girl friends will, on occasion, don a dress and seem to walk on air (if only for an evening) because of the ladylike attire.  We wish that women were still dressing this way more often, to tell the truth.  Today, a ride on a commercial airplane will give you an eyeful of shlumpy sweatpants, ratty flipflops, and holey college t-shirts on women.  Only a few decades ago, a ride on a commercial airplane (or even a trip to the department store) meant pantyhose, gloves, and hats.  While we don't really want to bring back pantyhose anytime soon, we do love the idea of dressing like a lady.  The ladylike accessories seen above are from, who we love.  While brides love for unique aisle-worthy accessories, we think a pair of boyfriend jeans and a t-shirt could be dressed up a bit with a pair of heels and one of these lovely ban.d0 headbands, corsages, or belts.  Even a trip to the grocery store would become more fun with one of these accessories!  :)  
(We understand the need for a shlumpy outfit or two, by the way.  But let's save the exercise pants for pilates class and weeding the flowerbed, shall we?)

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