Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jesi Haack, Mindreader...

If you know me (Kari) well, you know I have a thing for paper. Always have, always will. I am lucky to be working on a couple projects for clients that are paper-related right now, and very fun. One of the brides I am working with has an affinity for all things paper almost as much as I do, so I've been cutting, folding, and sourcing all sorts of fabulous paper. I needed a break from the folding the other day, so I hopped on the computer for what I promised myself would be only a ten minute break, so I could catch up on some blog inspiration.

One of my favorite blogs in the whole wide world is Jesi Haack's blog focusing on party design. I like to think that if Jesi and I lived close to each other, we would be bff's and would enjoy talking paper with each other on a regular basis. :) Anyhoo, I digress...
While on Jesi's blog, I came across her most recent wedding and knew I had died and gone to heaven. She read my mind with this wedding! It is a plethora of perfect paper. I've given you a little teaser with the photo above of some of the paper goodness, but you'll want to check the rest of the wedding out here. It's divine and totally makes me want to get married all over again so I can do a wedding design do-over! :) "ten minute blog break" turned into about an hour because I couldn't stop ogling the paper stuff in this wedding, but eventually, I was inspired to return to my folding. This wedding isn't exactly like the thing my client is asking for, but it proved to be beautiful inspiration nonetheless!

(P.S. Another thing I love about Jesi Haack's blog is that she is gracious about sharing ideas and how-tos. So, if you are looking for inspiration, head on over to her blog!)

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