Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guest Blogger: Fruitful Hands Boutique

So sorry for the delay in posts this week. We are hoping to make up for it with this wonderful guest blogger, Kathy Cragin from Fruitful Hands Boutique. Check it out...

What a fabulous opportunity to be able to share on the Babs Blog – one of my favorites!

Let me take a moment to introduce myself: I’m Kathy Cragin and my life is CRAZY!!! Probably just like yours, but maybe a little different version of crazy. I have two little squirts: Jayne, she’s 5 years, and Lincoln D. who is 2 years (the “D” just stuck; it’s for his middle name). I am homeschooling for the first time this year and it is great! Well, I’ll admit, it’s not always great… but most of the time it is. My husband works one of those crazy medical schedules, and often, once the kids are in bed, and he’s at work, I’m looking for something to fill my time. I can’t sit still doing nothing for very long. I just don’t work that way. So I started a little business called the Fruitful Hands Boutique.

This little boutique has been a dream of mine for at least 5 years. It finally came to fruition last Thanksgiving (2009). I’ve got this creative itch that just doesn’t stop until I scratch it. It moves from one thing to another: scrapbooking, sewing, crocheting, knitting, making hair bows, bags, clothing, jewelry, cards…whatever I see that I think I might be able to make, I’ll give it a try! I needed an outlet for all these treasures that I was creating and I like challenges (like starting your own business) and thus, the Fruitful Hands Boutique was born.

FHB is based on the scripture found in Proverbs 31:31: “Give her of the fruit of her hands and let her works praise her in the gates.” I know of so many gifted women and wanted to provide a way for them to simply create without having to figure out how to sell their items. I started with 3 vendors and have grown to over 20 women creating their amazing wares for me to sell. Many of these women are moms and wives who want to help support their husbands and families in whatever way they can. FHB also donates 10% of every sale to Bethany Christian Services, a fantastic adoption and foster care organization.

The boutique features numerous talents, lots of great gifts, and women who enjoy doing custom work. We have a couple of amazing jewelry crafters accessorizing you with beautiful beaded necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. You should see the detail work done by the ladies who sew! They create sturdy, recyclable grocery bags, day bags (you know, the kind of bag you can just throw everything in), purses, and those flour sack towels that dry everything so well! And if you’ve got a little girl, we’ve got hairbows, bottlecap necklaces, mini purses, and pillowcase dresses. You will also find photography and other home décor, cards, burp cloths, mini cosmetic bags, blankies, crocheted washcloths, bibs, visors, hand-appliqued onesies, and so much more!

If you are interested in supporting these talented women, or maybe even selling your own craft, be sure to check out the boutique at or become a fan on facebook. I also have a blog to feature the Boutique and other talented women: You can always contact me directly: Kathy Cragin,

Thanks, Kathy, for sharing about your wonderful business. We hope you readers will check out Fruitful Hands, and maybe some of you crafty gals out there will be interested in being a part of this wonderful opportunity. Here are some of the projects currently being featured on Fruitful Hands:








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