Thursday, December 2, 2010

One of Each, Please...

The very first year I (Kari) was married, I got pretty excited about Christmas. I hurriedly wrote up my Christmas list and taped it to a cabinet door in the kitchen, a tradition that began when I was a kid. We always wrote Christmas lists growing up---even Mom and Dad wrote Christmas lists. The lists had realistic and out-of-reach wishes on them, and they were fun to read. My husband, however, did not grow up in a Christmas list-writing family. (I often joke to my husband that he didn't have a childhood: no Christmas lists, he never read the Chronicles of Narnia, and he never went to Disneyland. He says there are other things that constitute a childhood, too, but I kinda don't believe him...) Anyway, my Christmas list freaked him out. A lot. He thought my list of both "realistic and out-of-reach wishes" was a demand list. As in "buy me everything on this list or I won't be happy this Christmas." He didn't like it one bit. Apparently, my list was a little heavy on the "out-of-reach wishes" side and he didn't realize, at first, that my list was partly real (I really did need a new rolling pin) and partly fantasy (I didn't really think I was going to get that $35,000 sapphire ring.) :)

At any rate, we came to an agreement. He realized that he'd married a big dreamer, and I toned down the Christmas list. (But I now have him writing Christmas lists. They aren't yet epic, but hey, baby steps.)

This year, these things are on my Christmas list (no $35,000 ring this year):

Sundance laptop bag (LOVE that it doesn't look like a laptop bag at all!)

What's on your list this year?

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