Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Recap: Letterpress Love

Can you believe it's Monday again? The weekends roll by much too quickly, don't they?

How'd you spend your weekend? I (Kari) spent part of my weekend enjoying some of my favorite people (wonderful family members who are special gifts in my life) and the rest of the weekend was spent in the letterpress studio at the San Francisco Center for the Book. This is one of my favorite places! I took a class to brush up on some letterpress skills. It's time to get the behemoth press in my garage up and running (her name is Mavis), so I spent some time this weekend learning from some old pros. I love the art of letterpress! Most people I know love the finished product of letterpress, but not everyone loves the actual process---it's a ton of work and requires lots and lots of patience. It's also very physical and requires you to get very dirty---you cannot keep a fabulous manicure when you've been setting type, mixing ink, oiling a press, and moving equipment about. However, it's something I enjoy very, very much! Here are some iPhone pics of my time in the studio:




Hopefully, I can show you some updated letterpress work soon---courtesy of Mavis. :)

How was your weekend? Any fun plans?

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