Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The perfect shot!

While looking for pictures for a blog postI came across Brandon Barré and my oh my was I blown away with his work!

When you look at a magazine and see amazingpictures of interiors remember that yes the designer did a great job but do youknow part of the secret? It’s a good photographer. 

Even the best decorated rooms, need beshown in their best light to really shine and that’s where Brandon Barré comesinto play. So let me tell you a bit more about Brandon.

An early passion for photography (probablydue to his mother since she was the family “photographer”) led to a freelancephotojournalism for the local newspaper at the age of 15. He still has one of hisfavourite cameras, an antique Kodak medium format with expandable bellows.

Today, Brandon Barré is a commercialphotographer based in Toronto, Canada a cosmopolitan city I know and love as Ilived there for nearly 3 years. His clients span from New York to Seattle and all across Canada; his work has been published worldwide. His portfolio with pictures of interiors, people and food is extremely impressive.   

He believes that lighting and state of theart lenses are paramount plus the fact that he is a perfectionist makes theperfect combination to achieve great results and have become his trademark. 

Brandon started in the food field and a lotof his inspiration comes from his heroes in this genre - the great food photographersof Australia, UK, and France (in particular French ELLE food & drink magazine;great photography!). Brandon loves his client's reactions, all the oohing andaahing around the monitor on a food shoot is what inspires him the most. 

Long story cut short he goes from food tointeriors by chance or shall I say with the help of an Interior designer. 

In his quest to achieve great shots, Brandonsays “I've crouched inside fireplaces, squatted in showers, and surely definedsome new Yoga moves shooting room interiors”.

Brandon is becoming one of Canada's mostexciting photographic talents; his style and passion for photography isabsolutely superb. I for one have become a fan and cannot wait to see more ofhis dazzling work. 

Addition to my wish list: have Brandon photographmy home.

Pictures via Brandon Barré 

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