Sunday, December 14, 2008

From a Stylish Reader...

Thanks to Elizabeth for leaving this post for us. It's such a great idea for holiday creativity! And, what a great way to give something handmade. Not only is it easy on the budget, but handmade gifts are special and from the heart. Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing with us! We hope more readers will share their great ideas for a "spend-less Christmas!"

"I collect small glass vases and candleholders through the year as I visit flea markets, yard sales, thrift stores, and dollar stores (with a few dumpster diving adventures thrown in) and toss them in a box year-round to be decorated for gifts at the end of the year. Sharpie markers, squeeze-on fabric paints, inexpensive craft paint, book-pressed leaves, broken jewelry, even pebbles make fantastic adornments for these unique gifts. Try this: Start with a clear votive holder. Draw a simple heart or some holly berries on the glass using sharpie markers. Pipe on an outline of "Liquid Lead" found at a craft store. Pop a scented candle in the holder after drying for a day, and you're ready to wrap it! Take a single sheet of tissue paper, ball it up around your candle holder, drop it into a sandwich baggie and tie off the top with curling ribbon. Presto! Protect your work surface with newspaper and throw some rubber or latex gloves on a child and set them loose with a package of colored Sharpie markers and a few candleholders, and Grandma and Auntie and Teacher will love the results. Enjoy"

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