Monday, December 1, 2008

Letters of Gratitude...

Okay, it's December 1st. By now, you're likely thinking about a holiday celebration or two that you've been invited to attend. It's always important to show the hostess you appreciate her efforts. After all, if you are the guest at a party, it means that somebody else was scrubbing toilets, banishing dust bunnies, and putting out a platter of sweet treats in your honor. Never thought of it that way? Well, it's true. It's a lot of work to put on even the most casual shindig and the hostess should always be thanked. A small hostess gift is not necessary, but it's rather nice, don't you think? Check out Anthropologie for these sweet little monogrammed gifts. They won't break the bank, but they will show somebody that you were thinking of them and that you appreciate their hospitality!
***Remember, if you didn't have time to pick up a hostess gift you should send a thank you note a day or two after the party, just to show the hostess that you were so happy to be included :)

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