Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The End is Near...

The end of summer, that is.  This coming weekend is Labor Day Weekend---also known as the summer's last hurrah.  Different people love Labor Day for different reasons.  Some love Labor Day because it affords a day off of work at the beginning of the week.  Some love Labor Day because it means one last summer BBQ or one last summer trip to the lake.  Or, if you're like many husbands, you love Labor Day weekend because it signifies a grand kickoff to college football games.  (One of us will be spending this Labor Day weekend dressed in bright orange, cheering on Oklahoma State as they play Georgia this coming weekend.  It's pretty obvious she loves her husband very, very much as orange is totally not her color.)
Whatever your reason to love Labor Day weekend, it can be agreed that great summer fare adds to the occasion.  Martha Stewart has some fabulous Labor Day recipes for you to try out before summer is completely gone.  Check them out here.  And, regardless of what college team you are rooting for, have a fabulous Labor Day weekend.  (Unless you're an O.U. fan, says Kari's husband...)

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