Monday, September 28, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake...

We never set out to be a "wedding blog," as there are so many fabulous wedding blogs out there that we just can't compete with! However, we do love hearing from brides---and it always tickles us when a bride-to-be emails us to let us know that something on the Babs Blog has served as inspiration for her upcoming nuptials. What a lovely compliment, and we thank each of you brides! Lately, we've been getting emails asking for little snippets of wedding ideas.  We thought we'd start with cake...because cake is amazing.  :)  These cakes below are from out their cake gallery online for more inspiration.

Even if you aren't planning a wedding, these cakes (and the others in the online cake gallery) could really inspire other things, too:  Showers, dinner parties, or even entire decor schemes!  Enjoy...
(Warning:  You'll probably need a piece of cake after checking these out...)

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