Sunday, December 6, 2009

Forgiveness, Please...

We are so sorry for our lapse in posting.  We could regale you with tales of busyness...of how we both are in school, both are behind in housework, both are strapped for time.  How one of us works full-time, one of us in the midst of getting a business off the ground... Or, how we both are involved to the hilt in things like church, community service, committees, party-planning, etc.
All of these things are true, however, we still should be more attentive to this blog and we apologize for our absence!

We both had lovely Thanksgivings and we hope ya'll did, too! And, all of a sudden, we are a week into December already. Whew!
We thought it might be nice to kick off the week with this lovely gem of an article from Real Simple. All of the holiday decor items below came from basic craft store staples. Smart, no? Check out the rest of the ideas here.

Enjoy checking these ideas out.  We especially love how easy on the old pocketbook these ideas are!


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