Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Good Cheer

There's something about this photograph (from Better Homes & Gardens) that just calls out to us...and begs us to up the ante on this year's Christmas decorating.  That chartreuse wall really sets the stage for some drama, doesn't it?  We hope you are enjoying the cooler weather (we are getting quite chilly weather here in California----well, chilly by California standards anyway...).  With rain, ice, snow, and fog in many parts of the country, we hope folks are using the dreary weather as excuse to stay in and make their homes cozy for the holidays!  We're going to do our very best to keep the posts going this week, but final exams are upon both of us so you may notice "cop-out" posts for the next few days.  (We apologize in advance).  Happy decorating, though---we'd love to see what some of ya'll are doing to make your homes cozy, by the way!  Feel free to leave comments with your good ideas, or---even better---send photos!  We'd love to show off your good ideas to other Babs Blog readers.  We aren't limiting you to just Christmas decor, however.  Recipes, wrapping ideas/tips, etc. are all welcome!  Can't wait to hear from you all!

---Jill & Kari

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