Thursday, July 15, 2010

Recipe for a perfect summer day:


While neither one of us would claim to be a great mixologist when it comes to cocktail parties, truth be told, we've come up with some purdy tasty drinks on our own----necessity being the mother of invention and all that. The other day, we figured out how to make the most of a bottle of champagne and some ripe summer peaches. Sure, it's pretty much sangria, but we thought we'd share anyway! We highly recommend this little concoction. It's best served around the pool and in the company of girlfriends. :)

  • In a pitcher, dump some ice. (See, we aren't real worried about exact measurements here...)
  • On top of the ice, dump three or four diced peaches. We did a combo of white and yellow. Juicy peaches are preferred!
  • Dump some more ice on top of this.
  • Dump an entire bottle of champagne (we actually used a cheap sparkly rosé. The beauty of a recipe like this is that you don't need an expensive bottle to make it taste really good! The rosé ended up making this a very pretty drink. What girl doesn't like to drink something pink?!)
  • Use a spatula to stir vigorously---you want to beat the ice against the fruit to release the flavor.
  • Serve! Actually, if you can wait, this is pretty good after it has sat in the fridge for awhile---it gives the flavors an opportunity to meld. You might want to serve it with a spoon so after the bubbly is gone, folks can eat the leftover peaches.

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