Monday, August 23, 2010

DIY Necklace Stands

So...I lied. I said I'd be showing off the project that I posted about on Friday---the one with the blue glass balls. However, I still have a couple little details to complete on that project, so you're not seeing that one here today. So sorry. I'll get it up as soon as possible so you can see what I've been up to!

Instead, though, I'll show you a short little project that I actually did complete this weekend: necklace stands. I love fun jewelry and my necklace collection is getting outta hand. I wanted to have some way to "store" the necklaces that I am wearing the most right now so they wouldn't get tangled and so they would be in easy reach when I am getting ready early in the morning for school or work. I wish I had thought this project up, but I actually took this idea from my local Anthropologie store and then tweaked it to make it "Kari-ish." :) I used scraps of wood we had laying around and scraps of fabric leftover from other projects, so the cost was minimal. The "nailhead trim" is actually made of carpet tacks. Other than putting these together, the only other thing I did was to mix a little gray acrylic paint with a lot of water to give these a weathered gray look---the wood was too bright of a pine for my liking, so the wash helped tone it down.

(A disclaimer: I am not keeping these all out like this on my dresser because it does kinda feel like a store display. I have a little nook in my closet where I am setting these, along with my other jewelry pieces. Also, please forgive the blank wall behind the dresser---I have artwork picked out, but it has yet to be delivered! Oh, and those lamps? Italian alabaster off of ebay. I love 'em! A further disclaimer: cruddy pictures were taken with my iphone. Sorry. :))

Here they are:




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