Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fun DIY Project & a Fun New-To-Us Blog:



Despite its foibles, cheesy content, and bad photography, the blog world {overall} is kind of a cool place. Sure, you gotta wade through the tide of blogs that are corny and useless, but every once and awhile, you come across a gem. Or, someone who is really cool leaves you a comment and then, of course, you've got to check out their blog and figure out if their interests "fit" with yours. Yesterday, we pointed you in the direction of Swanky Tables, a blog we rather love. Today, we're pointing you in the direction of A Fabulous Fete, another blog that, after some perusing, we have grown to love, too! Lauren, from A Fabulous Fete, was kind enough to post a comment on one of our posts the other day, so we went to check out her blog which is kinda fantastic. We really, really like it. Then, we ran across this post---a fabulous DIY on how to make the great bangle pictured above. You must, must check it out! So easy, so chic...and we love the gold Michael Kors watch in the picture, too, by the way. A gold menswear-inspired watch is our favorite fall accessory this year. :) Anyhoo, check out the post and the rest of Lauren's blog and make sure you leave her a nice comment, letting her know that the Babs Blog sent you on over. :)

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