Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Extra! Extra! Distressed and decoupage!

At a networking event in Lewes a few weeks ago I met Laura Diez a bright, bubbly young lady who is extremely passionate about what she does. Over a glass of wine Laura ends up telling me her story.

And that is what I want to share with you; the story of a talented young lady who I think will definitely be one to watch.

Working as a school secretary a few years back Laura began to feel there should be more to life than spending a large chunk of her life doing something that didn't make her happy (I for one couldn't agree more).

From an early age her life revolved around  interior decoration and fashion; at the age of 14 she re-decorated her mum's house and Laura realised that's when she was the happiest. After her mum's house she moved on to decorating friends' houses until it became apparent that a life in interiors beckoned and she should follow her dream.

In 2009 Laura decided to study Interior Design at the National Design Academy where she graduated top of her class. As Laura says "Making things look pretty and working on a budget have always been my strong points", so using her interior skills to re-vamp vintage and un-loved furniture, soon turned into a business - Lollipop and Pepper was born!

Laura began trading at craft fairs during he school holidays and frantically sourcing, painting, distressing furniture after school and at weekends. In July 2010 the website went live and so Laura began to think that getting a premise to showcase and sell her furniture was probably the next step. December of that year Laura opened a shop in the Needlemakers in Lewes where she sells her furniture and a selection of vintage interior accessories.
Laura now does what she enjoys everyday, and loves the fact that in a small way she is helping the environment by recycling (or up-cycle as it's become known) old furniture, and encourage others to do the same by offering her Furniture Make-Over Service.

"What comes next is still an exciting avenue that I am looking forward to walking down" says Laura.

So if you want a piece for your house or a client I'd recommend you get in touch.

I find her passion and dedication a breath of fresh air; have no doubt that she will succeed and hope to use her pieces in a future project.

Picures via

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