Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Becoming a Carnation Convert...

Carnations have never been a favorite flower of ours.  Even as a little girl, Kari had great disdain for carnations and baby's breath---two flowers she identified as "cheap filler" even at the grade school level.  (This only gives you a slight inkling as the the serious issues Kari has when it comes to design elements...whew!  Just ask Jill---she could tell you stories about her neurotic sister!  :)  Kari has had a strong opinion about carnations for a long time.  As a matter of fact, when Kari sent birthday flowers in honor of a friend's birthday at the beginning of this December, her friend called to tease her:  "Thank you for the flowers---they were gorgeous.  But you know what?  There were carnations in the bouquet..."  Even this college pal of Kari's knows of the deep-rooted carnation issues!

Lately, though, carnations and even baby's breath are making somewhat of a comeback---and Kari doesn't mind.  :)  It's all in the way the flowers are grouped and arranged.  The photos below are from the blog of the very talented Eddie Ross.  He features a tutorial on making these gorgeous carnation arrangements.  Since carnations are very inexpensive, buying them in bulk won't break the bank and they can be used to create beautiful, frothy, confection-like arrangements.  Check out Eddie Ross' tutorial and perhaps you, too, will begin to give carnations a second chance.  :)

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