Monday, January 26, 2009

In Need of Inspiration Today...

These photos are oldies but goodies from Martha Stewart Weddings.  Not that we are planning a wedding around here at the Babs Blog (oh, but we'd love to have another wedding to plan!  The flowers!  The dress!  The par-tay!), but we think perusing the photo archives of weddings and parties in general can be a great way to kick-start inspiration.  And, boy, do we need some of that.  Both of us have our plates full with school/work/housework/being charming wives/folding the hubbies' underoos---and all other laundry/and basic day-to-day shtuff.  These old Martha Stewart Weddings photos make us smile...and we hope they make you smile, too.  Oh, and wouldn't picture #1 and #2 be great starting off points for a Valentine's soiree?

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