Friday, July 10, 2009

We Love Curbly...


We've been remiss in sharing information about a new favorite site, but we thought it would be the perfect thing to share for over the weekend. is a wonderful site full of DIY goodness.  The creative gurus from Curbly were even kind enough to feature one of the Before & After projects from our little Babs Blog not long ago!  (How humbled were we to be included in the super-talented Curbly population!)  If you are hankering for a little inspiration or are looking to relax with a project this weekend, might we suggest perusing Curbly for some ideas?  There are so many great ideas to be checked out on Curbly---we especially love the repurposing ideas!  Also, if any of you have a fantastic Before & After, take pictures and send them our way.  We'd love to feature you on the Babs Blog!  Have a terrific weekend and we'll see you back on Monday!

---Jill & Kari

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