Thursday, August 13, 2009

An Early Weekend...

This morning, something felt different.  It was, all of a sudden, less like summer.  Couldn't really put a finger on it until it was apparent:  today, many schools started back up.  Sure enough, the highschools and junior highs and elementary schools resumed today (on a Thursday...isn't that strange?  Is that something new this year, or are we just oblivious because we don't have kids going back to school...?)  Traffic was busy in the neighborhoods as parents dropped their little darlings off to gain a little knowledge.  New backpacks were unveiled, new school clothes gaped over, new haircuts admired.  School is back in session.  That means these last few days of summer will quickly dwindle and soon the chill of autumn will be in the air.  (Happily, the stores are stocking fabulous fall clothes as we speak!)  So, we are starting the weekend early around here as we attempt to squeeze a little more out of our summer.  We hope you have a fantastic weekend, whatever your plans are.  You might consider taking advantage of the summer while it still hangs around because it won't be here for long!  :)

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