Sunday, May 31, 2009

Need your vote, please...

This very nifty piece of furniture was $20. Yes, I said twenty. Dollars.
Yes, the wood is kinda beat up and someone did a pretty ghetto job replacing the top and then doing a third-grade-level routing job on the edges, but this little desk is sturdy and sound and all the drawers are intact and functional. The scale is nice, too. I needed something small for my office and I'd like to use this desk to store odds and ends, put a lamp on, and stick some cute fabric-covered storage boxes under it, where a chair would normally go. I think it needs paint, as the wood really can't be brought back to its glory. (Trust me on this one). I was first thinking that I might paint it a pretty robin's egg blue color and then see if I could get a remnant piece of white carrera marble from my friendly local granite/marble fabricator guy (who, incidentally, owes me a favor) to top it with. But, there are really a ton of possibilities for a piece as cute as this, so...
I am asking for your opinions! Please, please, tell me what you think! How would you turn this piece into something really great? Give me your color ideas and your "top" ideas (I really, really must do something about the top!) Leave a comment below this post and weigh in. Getting my office organized and "prettified" is on my summer to-do list now that I have a break from school, and I have yet to choose a grand color any ideas are very much welcome. Thanks in advance!
P.S. I'll post more photos of this once the project is finished, and if I use your ideas, I'll brag you up big time, I promise! :)

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