Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Three Books...

Books are great, aren't they? Yes, the Kindle is an amazing invention, but somehow it's not quite the same as cracking open a fabulous book with real pages. Here are three books we like:

First of all, Fandango:
This book is full of wonderful party ideas.  The recipes are all in-reach, even if some of the party themes are a bit fantastical.  :)  It's a beautiful book!

Secondly, Wallpaper Projects:
Honestly, this wallpaper book is the one we are coveting right now.  So many great ideas!

Third, for the kid in you (or the kid in your home), Chickens Aren't The Only Ones:
This children's book was in our home growing up, and it was recently "rediscovered."  While our childhood copy definitely is "well-loved" (a.k.a. "worn-out"), the illustrations are absolutely beautiful.  They are hand-drawn and lovely.  And the book is a good one for kids.

So there's our Tuesday book review for you!  By the way, we'd love to know if any of you have any "go-to" books when it comes to entertaining, home-keeping, making stuff, decor, etc.  Just leave us a comment under this post and share what pages you've been turning!

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