Friday, August 14, 2009

Book Reports...

Well, we know school is back in session, but that doesn't mean summer reading has to come to an end! Here are some of our current favorite titles that we can recommend to you. There's a mix of heavy and light here, including two cookbooks, so you are sure to find something enjoyable to read! Also, if you read something really great this summer, leave us a comment with your book suggestion. We (and other readers) want to know what to read next! :)
Jill says:  "Ok, I recommend Pride and Prejudice, because it is unacceptable for anyone to not have read that book AT LEAST once, (I've read it like 10 times, no joke. Its my go-to book.) And The Find was great.  And, I really think that we would be remiss if we didn't recommend Janet Evanovich. I mean, you cannot go wrong with that whole series. So, there are my three very different recommendations. Oh, and that Celebrate cookbook that we both love, because I love to read cookbooks..."

Kari says:  "I had to read both My Life in France and Julie & Julia this summer.  First of all, I adore Julia Child (the woman just did not take herself too seriously, and I think that's a trait that more people need right now).  Also, I was going to France and thought these would make great plane reads.  I adored My Life in France and was truly sad when it was finished.  I enjoyed Julie & Julia, too, although I must warn you that many people will find the language in this book a tad on the coarse side (okay, it's downright trashy, at times).  Anna Karenina is a classic that I enjoy very much---it's a great way to read something heady and literary when all those chic lit books start killing off your brain cells.  Lastly, Vefa's Kitchen is my new favorite cookbook.  I enjoy sitting and reading this five-pound monster and dreaming of moving to Greece.  It's very therapeutic!"

(All of these titles can be purchased on Amazon).

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