Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Two Lovelies For Your Mailbox...

There's a definite thrill in the air once a month when a voyage out to the front mailbox reveals that it's magazine time again!  Design magazines are a weakness (or, according to one of our husbands, an addiction.)  One of us subscribes to more than her fair share and, admittedly, there is a little high felt when she finally gets to snuggle into her favorite chair surrounded by the glossy periodicals.  (Really...comfy chair + new design mags + glass of wine + soothing iPod mix = one very happy girl).  We thought it might be fun to share two of our favorite design mags that are not printed here in the United States.  As a matter of fact, these two magazines (one from Canada and one from Australia) are quickly taking the lead as the favorites in the magazines race.  (Gasp!  Elle Decor, Dwell, and House Beautiful better take notice!)  Canadian House & Home is wonderful---full of great ideas and lots to inspire the DIY set out there.  Inside Out hails from Australia and it makes it obvious that Australia has a very happening and exciting architecture and interior design world going on over there.  Seriously, this magazine is full of joy for the design addicts among us.  :)
What are your absolute favorite magazines?  Please share by leaving a comment below---don't hold out on us if you have a favorite that we should know about!

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