Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Labor Day, a.k.a The Last Hurrah...





Photos via Martha Stewart

Summer's almost gone. Today is the first of September, schools are back in session, summer flowers are starting to look tired in our gardens...
If you are like us, you've already started dreaming of fall wardrobe basics: nipped in wool coats, cashmere scarves, sumptuous leather riding boots, and skinny cords. Even while the fall collections in stores tempt us, we still have one more weekend to pretend it's summer. Summer's Farewell is Labor Day weekend. Do you have something planned? One last dip in the pool, sunburn at the lake, or bucket of homemade icecream? Are you going to be sitting at a lovely table like one of those pictured above? We hope you have something fun planned with friends and family as we usher in this new season of autumn and bid adieu to summer.
We'll see you back here on Tuesday. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!
---Jill & Kari

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