Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Favorite Blog/Site: Sunday-Suppers

We had to share this one with's so very in line with what we here at the Babs Blog love. What happens when you combine a love for good food, an appreciation for gatherings, and gorgeous photographs? You get Sunday-Suppers. Check this blog out---you won't be sorry. Lots of beautiful photos of food and gatherings around food---and really amazing recipes! We'll be trying the grilled pizza, for sure. Both of us have been looking for the perfect pizza dough recipes to make the most amazing crust---we are trying to duplicate some uh-mazing pizza we had in NYC this summer. (Jill will top her pizza with proscuitto, shaved parmesan, and arugula. Kari will top her pizza with smoked mozzarella, speck, and grilled slices of pumpkin.) Check out Sunday-Suppers and let us know which recipe you'll be trying!

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