Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Design Crush: Palmer Weiss

If you are interested in design, you probably have a few "design heroes" that you can list off for anyone who inquires. For me (Kari), at the top of that list is Palmer Weiss. Very few designers do what she does so well: understand the client, make the interior elegant, don't neglect color, add a dash of wit.

I have a design project starting up this month and the client sent me an email after our first meeting. She clarified a few things for me and then added, "I don't really know what to call my style, but I think anything Palmer Weiss does is amazing." I broke into a huge smile. This client and I are design soulmates!

Check out Palmer Weiss' website. What a talented woman---here is a designer who, in my opinion, really gets it!

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