Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jennifer Eileen Photography

Having worked for a very wonderful photographer, I (Kari) picked up a few skills. The skill gleaned from that fun job that I am most excessively eager to express is what I like to call photography discernment. My husband calls it "being a photograph snob." I can't help it. I can't tolerate overexposure weirdness (so many photographers are prone to this---it makes people look creepy), I expect black and white photos to actually be black and white (not muddy gray! B&W photography should always express contrast), and I can tell immediately when a photo has been altered with Photoshop by a person who does not have the skills nor a trained eye. That being said, I am NOT a photographer. I have some mad Photoshop skills, but I take lousy pictures. Photographers seem to grow out of the woodwork around where I live. Every time I open the regional monthly magazine that is published in the town where I live, I see a new photographer advertising. This isn't a bad thing, but I think it makes finding true talent a bit more difficult because anyone with a DSLR and Photoshop can call themselves a photographer. (Much like anyone with a computer can call herself a graphic designer and anyone who has a strong opinion about paint color can call herself a decorator. The art/design world is so accessible it's becoming diluted. There are pros and cons, but that's another day's post...) Finding true artists in the mix can be challenging, but I have recently been introduced to a photographer who is just that: a brilliant artist. Meet Jen from Jennifer Eileen Photography.

Jen contacted me a couple weeks ago because she had photographed a wedding for which I had done the invitations. She was kindly offering me her images so that I could use them on my website---isn't that sweet? I had to check her out, of course, so I began perusing her blog and website. Guess what? Jen is super-talented! I love her work and she's been featured on Grey Likes Weddings, The Wedding Chicks, Style Unveiled, Ever Ours, and other great wedding blogs. I can't wait to work with Jen on some upcoming projects!

Here are the images Jen sent over of the invitations I created for Devon & Joel's wedding (a big thank you for the beautiful images, Jen!):





These invitations were very fun to make! The envelopes and the backing on the invitations were wood veneer. The invitation details were printed on off-white linen and then I did a belly-band of the same linen layered over a thicker-weave sand-colored linen. This was finished off with my trusty pinking shears.

As far as my website's been a work in progress for nearly a year. Mostly, I have been too busy to make it just the way I want it to be. Also, I am in the middle of restructuring my business a bit. Word-of-mouth has been my only form of marketing and I have been very blessed: I am now too busy to do all the things I thought I could under the umbrella of my business. It's time to narrow the field a bit, but I'm not gonna lie: I'm having a hard time letting go! I really do want to do it all, but I'm learning that if I do everything, I will do nothing WELL. :) As soon as the website is up and live, you here at the blog will be the first to know---Jill's been on my case for awhile about showing more of my projects, so I expect you'll be seeing a few more of those in the future. :)

In the meantime, take a moment to check out Jennifer Eileen Photography. Really, really good stuff. :)


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