Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Follow your dream: the journey to personal art shopping.

Oh Fawn_Art, Fawn_Art. Wherefore Art thou!

Artwork is a great way to incorporate personality and character into a space; art also stimulates conversation and opinions. You can find items that are truly one of a kind and those who know me, are aware that I believe a home should never be without art. So now let me tell you about Lydia and Madeleine's venture.

A year ago I, by chance ended up meeting Lydia Swinton, we got on great and we meet now and then for coffee and to share what we were up to. I think Lydia has had an amazing childhood and I with her permission would like to share that with you.

Lydia Swinton is a Kiwi (as they say in England), she remembers her dad used to have a potters wheel at the bottom of the garden in New Zealand and she has lovely memories of him working away for many hours. At the age of seven her family moved to the UK and so Lydia travelled around Europe as a child in a Volkswagen camper van with her family, she remembers sleeping in a hammock across the front seats.

Together with her family and by herself Lydia has travelled extensively - 28 countries - she has drawn creative inspirations from many cultures, landscapes and from staying  with a fisherman at lake Baikal in Russia when the lake had completely frozen.

Lydia told me a few months ago that finally she was going to do what she so wanted and is passionate about - together with Madeleine they were opening an Art consultancy business.

I for one was probably as pleased as she was because there is nothing better then seeing your friend follow their passion and listening to them talk about their projects with such vim and delight. I know she will be great at it.

Now that you know about Lydia let me tell you about the other half of Fawn_Art.

Madeleine Reed grew up surrounded by artwork as her mother had a contemporary art gallery in Wiltshire. She would spend Saturdays and any spare time helping to source paintings, ceramics, glass and sculpture for exhibitions, running life drawing classes, lugging heavy plinths through the streets or pouring wine at private views (tired? I am, she definitely was non stop). Every Summer they would go to St. Ives, navigate the narrow streets and return with a van full of amazing artwork.

Lydia says " We are extremely motivated to promote artists and love nothing more than visiting a studio for the first time. Everyone is completely different, both Maddi and I always get in the car afterwards bursting with energy about where we can show the work and what we love about it; the inspiration never stops."

Lydia and Madeleine provide contemporary art hand-picked from the artist's studio: to engage and stimulate in the workplace, or to create an atmosphere at home. That they believe the art world should be open and accessible to all is a stance I applaud.

Hiring an Art Consultant gives you the benefit of using their trained eye to select art of the highest quality, and installing it so that it enhances the overall image of a home or work place. They do the hard work; you sit back and enjoy the result!

As well as being channels for artists and exhibition curators Lydia and Madeleine also work regularly with Interior Designers and Architects to commission, develop and source innovative artwork to complement and enhance designs for their clients.

Having established a wide network of artists worldwide they are well placed to help identify art for the home, office or a client. For the busy executive I see Fawn_Art as a sine qua non.

Do give them a tinkle and you won't regret it.

Pictures via Fawn_Art and Funky Leisure.

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