Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Joy of Snail Mail

Yesterday, I (Kari) received a delightful surprise. A lovely, hand-written card in the mail from a good friend, just for me. It was a simple note---it probably took less than five minutes to write it, address the envelope, stick on the stamp, and put it in the mailbox----but it made my day, nonetheless.

I've been busier than usual lately. I'm stretched thin between client work, house repairs, business travel with my husband, and regular life "stuff." My friendships have been put on the back burner on more than one occasion---it's sad when life's too busy to grab a cocktail with a girlfriend, isn't it? Yet, I have a handful of awesome friends who understand. They get busy, too, from time to time, and we aren't in the habit of keeping score and holding it against each other. (This isn't the case with every friendship. There are friends who take it personally when you disappear for awhile due to busy life. They give the silent treatment, waiting sullenly for you to realize you miss them and call them---but they refuse to make the first move. You can tell they are angry by their terse emails and the deafening silence on their end. Any of you out there have friends like this?) I'm lucky to have some girlfriends who would never give me the silent treatment. Friends who love spending time with me, but who understand that sometimes life gets crazy. And I give them the same understanding. (Interestingly enough, these gracious women are the ones that I have the deepest friendship connection to. I love them and can't wait to giggle with them over a glass of wine and a recap of how crazy things have been in our lives. I really, really need these women and know they are gifts in my life. It's hard to have a deep connection with a friend who keeps score and holds it against you when you are busy and things fall through the cracks.)

Anyway, this lovely note I received in the mail simply told me I was loved by this friend. So sweet. Receiving a nice note in the mail reminded me of two things.

First, I have a handful of awesome girlfriends. We are all busy, but we still have room in our lives for chats and laughs and catching up. I need to make some appointments with girlfriends today.

Second, getting a note in the mail rocks. It's not the same as email. I need to be sending more handwritten notes! They take but minutes to scrawl out and drop in the mail. Of course, having pretty stationery helps, doesn't it? If you need to add to your stationery collection in an attempt to inspire you to send out some handwritten notes, check out these offerings from Paper Source:

And, if you have some girlfriends who make you smile even in the midst of crazy schedules and life's responsibilities, take some time to drop a note in the mail to tell 'em how much you appreciate them!

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